[quote=@Willy Vereb] Actually we pretty much tolerate mutants, it just happens that even if there are laws protecting them things are not so easy. Imagine blacks in the early 1990s, for example. Actually given the Holy League's deep Christian roots and conservatism it's kinda amazing how they managed to accept mutants. On the other hand you'd likely won't make many friends with your openness to gene manipulation. That's a seriously big can of worms. But yeah, trade relationship is entirely possible. I happen to have a bit of presence in Africa so perhaps that could be our point of contact.[/quote] Yeah, Malagasy Enterprises is going to make a lot of enemies with their gene manipulation for sure. But then they're a huge agricultural supplier that is mostly concerned with the expansion of trade, and they're pretty far off... They're probably seen as a "tolerable evil" when it comes to getting their goods. Yeah, so let's have a strong trade going on, but let's say that the BEST equipment Hungary isn't shipping to Malagasy Enterprises, at least not yet. Malagasy Enterprises isn't a friend; just a business partner. [quote=@Sigma] [@Shorticus] Excellent :) Looks like the Separatists have a supplier. A good way for Madagascar to have influence in North America, a Client State(or potential colonial territory ). [/quote] At the least, they hope to get a new trade partner and an ally they can use to push their interests in North America. [@Isotope] What sort of relationship do you see between Malagasy Enterprises and Cascadia, especially given that Malagasy Enterprises is supporting a group of Badlands rebels that ARE NOT pro-Cascadia?