[color=0072bc][h3]Dylan the Mudkip[/h3][/color] [color=fff79a][h3]Valiant Village-Spirit’s Guild[/h3][/color] Dylan took another small bite from his apple as he stood in thought. Zaru’s question caught him off guard, the Chimchar having returned with apples for everyone. It’s a question he himself wanted to know the more he thought about it. He knew he was human, but besides that, the only memory of where he came from is the forest in which he woke up. As he thought that, something felt a bit weird. He hadn’t said that out loud, yet he just heard that answer… The Mudkip’s head turned automatically, finding the source of the voice to be not some kind of mind to speech converter, but the Totodile, Devon. Needless to say, Dylan’s mind recoiled heavily, his body slightly tensing up as well. [color=0072bc]“A-amnesia…?”[/color] The thoughts of how to answer Zaru’s question completely fled from his mind as a series of his own questions pushed their way in instead. The biggest question of them all being, of course, ‘was he the same?’ However, before he could decide on whether or not to ask that question in front of Celty and Zaru, Milton having bid everyone farewell for now, the Mawile latched onto the Totodile’s words, asking some questions of her own. Dylan, mind reeling from the sudden intake of information, simply stood there as the guild seemed to get a bit louder, other Pokemon inside waking up. It seemed Spirit was back from his rescue, telling everyone to get ready for a morning meeting. The current situation, however, took the majority of his attention. He listened some more, taking further notes, every word important. So Devon couldn’t remember anything besides his name and the fact he has a dad, huh…? Two memories, just like him. The only difference being Dylan’s memory of being a human and Devon’s of his dad. In any case, the Mudkip noticed a small lull in the conversation, and decided to add some of his own words, understanding things a little better now. Only a little though. [color=0072bc]“W-wait, hold on.You have amnesia too…? Do you, uh… remember anything else besides your name and dad? Anything at all?”[/color] Dylan knew he might be sounding a bit weird at the moment, but his urgency to find out answers took priority. He couldn’t help but let out a small [color=0072bc]“S-sorry if I’m prying,”[/color] afterwards though.