[quote=@Brink_] [@Shorticus] I imagine Franco-Iberia having considerable influence, and close ties, with Malagasy Ent., in Madagascar especially, as it would make sense for our historically bound nations to each house our fair share of expatriates, especially considering what I suspect to be sizable Malagasy diaspora due to relative proximity combined with those aforementioned strong bonds, in addition to you being a major agricultural purveyor in these war-torn times and I possessing much of the Eastern hemisphere's mechanical and electrical machinery production. [/quote] I was thinking along similar lines. They have cultural ties for sure, and similar societies in... some ways, at least more ways than other nations. I also figured that Franco-Iberia would potentially be one of those nations to hire Malagasy terraformers? They're trying to stop the desertification of the Sahara, so I imagine that terraforming tech is exactly what they'd want at their disposal. Either way, there's definitely a trade relationship. I don't know if there'd be an outright alliance since Franco-Iberia could lose some face politically if they were aligned with a state that favors gene modification of its soldiery and workforce. They could, perhaps, have a defensive pact? But trade would probably be thriving between these two nations. [quote=@Isotope] [@Shorticus]Our relationship is likley extremely rocky if not outright cold. Your gene manipulation would be seen as as a societal and religious affront, and you represent an uncertain quantity in Asia as compared to the more ideologically compatible Great Han. The rebels just add another point of conflict. [/quote] Sounds perfect! Let's roll with this.