[center][h2]Zoran Joranis: Road to the Fefdor Mountain[/h2][/center] Zoran whistled tunelessly to himself as he walked, doing his best to ignore the constant sadness in the back of his mind as he walked. Today was another beautiful day and he had received a rather surprising invitation from a clan of anthro-dragons to help teach about the outside world to their younglings. As important a task as that was, he couldn't help but think that perhaps it would be best for them for their young to stay home and safe. Or as safe as it would remain, if the rumors were true. [i]No, that's some seriously negative thinking, influenced by my depression. Rumors are rumors and these younglings have a hopeful future.[/i] Shaking his head, he looks around at the nature surrounding him and smiles. [i]Yeah, it's a good day.[/i]