[color=0072bc][h3]Dylan the Mudkip[/h3][/color] [color=fff79a][h3]Valiant Village-Spirit’s Guild[/h3][/color] Dylan nodded slightly in thought as he listened to Devon’s response. So, nothing else, huh…? That meant he might not have been a human before… Didn’t eliminate it, but certainly didn’t confirm anything either. However, he could relate to the Totodile’s sentiment. Having his memories back would be nice. Might explain why he was here as a Mudkip… Not that he could dwell on those thoughts for long. The next words leaving Devon’s mouth left the Mudkip wanting to hit himself a bit. Of course he had to let that part slip out, of course! Now he had these two worrying about him, Celty having picked it up as well obviously. He could only hope no one else nearby like Zaru could have picked that up. Not that it would have been hard to, the attention obviously on him now. As Dylan tried to think of how to respond to the Totodile’s question, he found himself wanting to smack his head again as Celty brought up the apple incident from before. So she had picked up on that after all… Well, at the very least, picked up on something being wrong. Not the actual reason behind it. However, the time for dwelling on that wasn’t now, he still had to respond. [color=0072bc]“Ah…! U-um, don’t worry, I’m sure it’s a temporary thing. I remember is my name and waking up in the forest near here. Must have hit my head on a rock or something like that…”[/color] Dylan trailed off. He had left out the part about him being a human, or having been a human, as it would have probably sounded absurd, and given him a one way ticket to an infirmary. No, now wasn’t the time to tell near-complete strangers that.