Rae looked at the nice home, and felt the warmth from the fire in the air. She made her way over and sat in the seat near the fire, letting it warm up the chill that had taken her over when she was outside. She could see through a near window and peeked out. The storm was rolling in fast, but what caught Rae's eye was a streak of black. When it stopped moving, Rae saw a small black creature in the man's yard outside the window. It had a yellow circle on it's forehead, and deep red eyes. "UMBREON!" Rae jumped from her seat and opened the window. Wind gusted into the room, but the small dark type pokemon rushed and leaped right into Rae's arms. It chirped at Rae and nuzzled under her chin. Smiling, Rae quickly closed the window and took her seat again, petting the soft creature on the head. "Is this your Umbreon, mister?" Rae asked the man.