[@Starfall] [i]The barb trap superficially wounded the ancient vampire, but failed to catch it. Its hide was more like an oil slicked sponge than leather, and terrifically difficult to snag. Any hooks would just tear through the cushion of sopping, slippery flesh. Still, it needed a little snack. The wise monster would notice the aggressive demeanor of Satori and take advantage if it by playing on her impulses. It would feint towards a dead ghoul on its left only to shove itself backwards as the corpse exploded. Something like a shrill cackle gurgled out from the Magna Pater's maw as its tail swung up to its jaws, revealing a freshly dead ghoul had just been strangled. Unless it were somehow distracted, the body would soon be missing half its torso, the Magna Pater's throat bulging as it swallowed. It would be healed immediately if the ghoul meat hit its stomach. Seconds later the wicked, otherworldly cackle would blossom into a wretched sobbing, a knowing grin squelching over the monster's face and revealing its thick teeth. It had finally succeeded in separating one of the adventurers. Now it had this one all alone...[/i]