[@Framing A Moose] Leo looked at the teacher sighing at her answer, as he looked at Lorane seriously. [color=f26522]"Well no, we aren't making a sandwich then. Just sit back, and watch some wonders. I can cook us some amazing."[/color] Leo stated ready to put more of his skills to the test, with a confident smile as he remember several recipes in his head, not requiring or even looking at the recipe book. [color=f26522]"Do we have any liquid nitrogen?"[/color] Leo asked the teacher going the fridge quickly scanning what they had not even concerned what she wanted. Because it was his grades that would suffer if he had anyone holding him back. [color=f26522]"I don't need any help."[/color] Leo thought to himself. [@KatherinWinter] Jay put out a bunch of ingredients on the table next to her, having brought ham and cheeses and plenty more with several spices. Jay looked at Katherin. [color=007236]"Here, now all you need to do is...well I'm sure you know."[/color] Jay stated slightly getting quiet not exactly expressing self-assurance. As Inigo watched from afar letting out a sigh. [i][color=aba000]"Oh dear..."[/color][/i]