Allisa was in the middle of the pathway, about halfway between the archway and the large building that was the school, when a voice crackled into existent throughout the school. The announcement startled Allisa, shaking most of the sleep and weariness from her movements and expression. She stood still, taking a sip of her vodka as she listened to the instructions, she took the bottle off her lips and gave a determined nod. [color=f26522]"Oh yeah! The information packet!...Did I get that?"[/color] she asked no one in particular. It took a few moments for the memory of the information packet to come back into her head. [color=f26522]"Da info packet! Totally forgot about that! That's the thing with the stuff, right?! Yeah, that's's right..."[/color] her words once again were for no one but herself. The girl's eyes darted around her, looking for a backpack and an old-timey suitcase, but found nothing. It seemed that during Allisa's forgotten journey, her and her luggage had gotten seperated, and knowing Ally's late night adventures, the bags could be literally anywhere. But hungover godling wasn't one to cry over spilled milk, so she followed the instructions and went to the office. Upon entering, her eyes landed on the middle-aged man behind the front desk, stapling papers and writing things on sticky notes. Allisa took a few steps forward so she was right in front of the desk, and knocked on the wood. The man looked up, peering above pushed down glasses at the face of the student who had interrupted him, then at the beverage in her hand. [color=f26522]"Ahem! I am here yes, one info packet please!"[/color] Her voice was surprisingly peppy despite the fact that she had lost all of her things except the clothes she was wearing. The man gave a small nod and reached to a pile of large yellow envelopes, grabbing one and handing it to Alissa. She nodded in gratitude, a bottle of fancy, expensive whine appearing in front of him. [color=f26522]"That's to show my thanks."[/color] she said. "Miss, I don't dri-" before he was finished the girl was already outside. She pulled the map out of the packet and began scanning it, looking for the auditorium. She then thought she smelled something odd. She looked down at herself, seeing her scuffed up white tennis shoes, her skinny jeans, and her white T-shirt with black text reading [i]WILL WINE FOR WHINE[/i]. But none of that was what confused her. What confused her was the leather jacket she was wearing. It was slightly oversized, but smelled of colone. After a few moments, she came to the conclusion that she probably got it through the art of flirting, or the art of thievery. Either way she earned it, so she payed no more mind to it and continued on her way to the auditorium.