Lorane grinded her teeth as her partner spoke. He was being a total dick, and yet the teacher was yelling at her instead. Equality for heroes and villains? Yeah right. What bullshit. If this guy were the son of, say, Claude Frollo, he'd be getting just as much shit as her. But, to Lorane's dismay, he wasn't. He was probably the son of some stuck up bitch who waited in a tower for her whole life, only to be saved by some prince douchebag, to naive to just pick up a chick at a bar. Lorane groaned and got up, following behind the boy. "You don't understand! I can't do anything that might make me sweat, witchdoctor's orders! Now, if either of us are going to get a good grade on this, we're going to have to work together! So let's make a salad, or fishless sushi." her words were strong and angry, but not yelled. She kept her indoor voice intact as to not upset anyone who she did not want to upset. [@KatherinWinter][@SleepingSilence]