[hider=The Star Seeker] [b]Tarot Card:[/b] The Star Seeker [b]Name:[/b] Ultrovos, the Veiled One [b]Age:[/b] 47 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] The Veiled One appears as a tall, gaunt figure entirely wrapped in a black cloak, which has grown tattered and frayed at the edges. His head is concealed by a cowl, and before his face there hangs a black veil. With one hand he leans upon a gnarled wooden staff, whereas over his other shoulder are slung two leather bags, one of which occasionally twitches and writhes. [b] Backstory:[/b] Ultrovos was once an aspiring wizard, studying the arcane arts in one of the Sun Kingdom's academies. However, following a seemingly failed spellweaving experiment performed in the course of his learning, he began to be plagued by strange dreams, from which he would wake gibbering wildly. Deeming them to be caused by an illness, he retired to his quarters for weeks, in the course of which strange mutterings could be heard issuing from them - yet Ultrovos never received any visitors. After that period, he emerged from his confinement having acquired a mostly taciturn demeanour, a habit of draping a dark cowl about his features due to "vulnerable eyes" and a mighty strange journal, which is presently his most valued possession. To any observer, it appears as full of barely legible gibberish. However, Ultrovos himself is able to use it as a spellbook, invoking strange and disturbing enchantments from its pages and occasionally merely leafing through it or scribbling some further notes. Having underwent such baffling changes, he departed, with little explanation, on a quest to find "the shattered star", which he believes to lie somewhere upon the world's surface. While he himself would probably be unable to say what exactly he is seeking, he is convinced he shall recognise his quarry upon seeing it. However this may stand, from then on the wandering Veiled One became a rather dreaded figure. Though not actively malicious, he inevitably brings strange and fearful prodigies wherever he travels, and havoc follows in his wake. [b]Abilities:[/b] Ultrovos is able to evoke diverse and potent otherworldly magics from his makeshift spellbook, often ensuing in chaotic effects as these alien incantations grate against the fabric of reality. Additionally, he seems to be suffused with some sort of unnatural vitality, as he is able to subsist for exceptionally long periods without sleep or nutrition. [b]Theme song:[/b] [url]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC2LXZE_6rw[/url] [b] Other:[/b] Ultrovos possesses a familiar of some sort - a creature dwelling within an ever-darkened bag. The being itself has never been seen, but the bag occasionally writhes curiously, and anything deposited into it is swiftly and silently devoured. [/hider] [hider=The Outer Spheres] [b][i]The Realms Beyond[/i][/b] Thanks to the tireless labour of generations of magi, scholars and divinists, the inhabitants of the material worlds nowadays possess a rather significant measure of knowledge concerning the shape and structure of the cosmos at large, encompassing both its inner core and the regions astral, celestial and infernal stretching beyond the reach of immediate perception. Yet seldom are the works of mortals, and even immortals, flawless, and the lore of the universe is no exception. There is a limit beyond which all known laws fade, and which, if breached, will reward an explorer not with wisdom but with madness; that limit is the boundary of the Outer Spheres. These cryptic realms - though they might very well be an universe or several unto themselves - stretch without the furthermost dimensions of the known cosmos, and are unlike anything even those strange peripheral lands might ever have seen. How vast they are no one can tell, for those very few reckless souls who have succeeded in contacting the Outside and retained some little sanity dared not travel far into it. All that is known is that it appears to an observer as a chaos of shifting distances, unpredictable geometries and unnameable shapes and hues which cannot be described with coherent words. Colossal and horrifying presences are said to glide, or swim, or shamble through that pandemonium, generating even more disquieting abnormities as they move. Though such a location ought to discourage any visitors by its own nature alone, there have nonetheless been many conjurers and summoners who attempted to open rifts between it and their worlds, seeking to study it or harness its energies for their own ends. However, it would seem that the Outer Spheres are so alien in their composition that no conscious effort has to this day succeeded in breaching their borders, unless strengthened with occult knowledge already obtained there (and those who have mastered this resource are, as a rule, either unable or unwilling to share their findings). Rather, it has recently become apparent to the few arcane circles willing to deal in such matters that some comparatively simple conjurations, if performed by a distracted or inexperienced evoker, have a minute chance of exposing the unfortunate caster to the maddening influence of the Beyond. This contact lasts the merest fraction of an instant; yet who knows whether this might not be enough for the spellcaster's mind to be shattered - or for some nameless entity to bind them to an unknowable purpose? [/hider]