And so began the new life of Squad Sigma in Solaire, especially for Elora, who learned from Katya to adapt to her new life, and endure the arduous training as best she can, resulting in her hanging out around her more than other pilots, almost clinging on to her, though she also kept her distance at times. For some of the pilots, it was a sanctuary that enabled them to grow stronger and realize their potential, while for others it was a prison that tormented them, testing their limits, and every day was a fight to survive. During this time, the Framewerks were repaired, and in some cases modifications were made to them following positive results from testing. Every day began with physical training held by Sergeant Ken in the gym. He told the pilots that they were already dead unless they made sure they were prepared in both mind and body; he emphasized that their minds would stay sharp and their reflexes remain at top efficiency if they worked out and kept to a balanced diet. He also lectured that the Cruxi bleed just like humans do, and even if a pilot were to find himself outside of a Framewerk he or she could still take out one of the alien scum with his or her BARE HANDS. The training consisted of the conventional like push-ups, squatting, jogging and weight-lifting, but also sports, meditation, and practice of martial arts; the Star Fist-style. The Sergeant showed an example of how a master of the style can [url=]throw punches at incredible speed[/url], like from a machine-gun. He encouraged sparring between the pilots, but made sure that nobody got severely injured in the process. Afternoons took present in virtual reality; Lieutenant Ritsu directed the advanced training simulations where the pilots learned various techniques and maneuvers that could be utilized while piloting a Framewerk, while also testing their accuracy at a simulated firing range. At the pilot's request, Ritsu also authorized virtual competitions with minor prizes for the winner, encouraging the pilots to develop their piloting skills further. Once a week, Lorenzo would hold long and tedious lectures about Framewerks, such as their history and details to their construction and built-in systems. He occasionally held a pop quiz to startle any pilots who may have snoozed during class, while sometimes he made the pilots do group assignments. He was strict when teaching, but he showed constant interest in their progress. Lorenzo also taught about the various identified Cruxi units. Some were [url=]front-line shock infantry[/url] equipped with energy shields and plasma rifles, and tasked with assaulting defended locations. Their genetic material seems to be identical, and Lorenzo's hypothesis was that these soldier-types are created using some type of cloning technology which he showed interest in acquiring. Another type was designated as a [url=]hunter-assassin type[/url] that infiltrate enemy facilities, eliminate key targets and infect victims with their eggs, spawning more of their species behind enemy lines. All these Cruxi units are delivered with the use of specialized [url=]troop ships[/url]. [hr] "However, these won't be your opponents in the field," Lorenzo said while pointing at the hologram during his lecture. It has been a considerable amount of time since the pilots first entered Solaire. "While planetary defences are by this point capable of holding out against an infantry invasion, they are powerless against the war machines they utilize. [url=]This[/url] is their most basic model of Cruxi mech. They stand about half a regular Framewerk's height, but where they lose in size they more than make up for their number. You can expect to see yourselves outnumbered by these units while out there in the field. While the type I'm showing you is dedicated to long-range fighting, there have also been documented cases of Cruxi mechs equipped with claws capable of rending through even Medium-type armors with a single slash. Sometimes more advanced models accompany them such as this [url=]sniper-type[/url] Cruxi." "As an aside note, I would like to mention that, despite our attempts, we have yet to capture a member of what we believe to be their [url=]ruling caste[/url]. For the most part they only seem to be located on their battleships that escape into hyperspace at any documented case where their invasion was thwarted, but I know that they must also be present during the later stages of the invasion directing their troops. All in all, while these are the types of Cruxi and their weapons we know about, there may be more unidentified and dangerous weapons currently built by them to counter our use of Framewerks. Be extremely cautious when engaging them. Now then, class is dismissed." Lorenzo then went back to organizing the pile of papers he always took with him to the lectures, but only rarely looked at. He didn't look at them long before a base-wide alarm started blaring out, and Lorenzo's gaze immediately sharpened. "Well, what are you waiting for? To the briefing hall, you damn fools!" He said as he stuffed a bunch of the papers haphazardly into his pockets and walked away with a brisk pace.