[@Framing A Moose] Leo looked at how angry and upset the other student was acting. Leo stopping looking through the fridge and walked over to her as she starting talking about making salad, another very easy thing to make, Leo wouldn't let his grades suffer. But at this point, if he didn't at least try to explain his case it would only make things worse. [color=f26522]"Why do you think I want liquid nitrogen? That stuff is literally -346°F."[/color] Leo explained. [color=f26522]"I'm not trying to be rude, I just want to make something that won't get you or me a bad grade."[/color] Leo clarified as he quickly went over to grab a piece of paper and a pen, and he started writing down some directions. [color=f26522]"Here, I'll write down what you need to do. That way you can help me."[/color] Leo replied trying to be patient and work together with this student somehow knowing they were already probably being graded now, since she was raising her voice at him. It didn't help that it seemed like the teacher wasn't having any of it either, and Lorane was still arguing against the teacher. Letting out a frustrated sigh, as she turned to face him. He leaned closer going up to whisper next to Lorane's ear.[color=f26522] "Look, sometimes adults think they know everything, It doesn't make them correct but you have to listen to them anyway. You can't keep snapping back at all of her comments. All your doing is hurting your grade and by association, mine too."[/color] Leo told her keeping his voice quiet. [@KatherinWinter] Leo quickly tried to ask again, slightly louder hoping it cut through any noise going on. [b][color=f26522]"Do we have any liquid nitrogen teach?"[/color][/b] Meanwhile Jay was looking at her starting to cook the omelets, realizing she was doing it solely on her own, not seeming to make it better by not even letting him do anything. Jay started rubbing his head some in frustration and confusion. [color=007236]"I'm sure I can help with something."[/color] Jay stated awaiting Katherine's response. Inigo looked at them laying on his side, paw holding up his head. [i][color=aba000]"This isn't going very well. She's being rude."[/color][/i] Inigo thought to himself thinking maybe he should take a bite out of her next.