[I]La'Shara[/I] La'Shara walks through the city gates enjoying the way in which her appearance is affecting those around her. Some gawk as she shows more skin outside of an exotic tavern dancer their expressions ranging from lustful to severely disapproving. Then there are those that try to look at her while seeming to not look at all and those are to her the most informative glances. Why shouldn't any look at her for she is a young elven woman who's very nearly nude in public. It is not vain of La'Shara to think herself as beautiful for were she not then she would have been released from service to her goddess as were others she had attended training with 150 years ago. Her soft knee high brown Werie leather boots made not a sound on the stones of the street. Her golden hair caught the sunlight in a manner that made her face seem to be shrouded in a warm glow so like that precious metal. Her skin was as smooth as any noble woman's and glowed a a honey brown. Her scent to those that neared her was like the green leaves of spring mingled with the soft aroma of a field of wild flowers. Ahead of her in the street there seemed to be an altercation between the opposing wagons of several teamsters which the guard was doing it's best to clear away. La'Shara tried to see what was going on but her diminutive height made it difficult till she began climbing invisible stairs into the sky. Once at a sufficient height she saw that all this trouble had been caused when two of the wagons passing in opposition had moved too closely together and locked rear wheels. Giggling that so much trouble held so simple a solution an none willing to render La'Shara walked over the crowd's heads an down the street till all had thinned an came back to earth. She walked farther down the street till her nose told her of the presence of a fine breakfast in a tavern named the "Farmer's Daughter" La'Shara smiled thinking this hostel must have an interesting tale or two and entered. Soon she was sitting among those there gathered and stunned that they be joined at the long table's trencher by a creature such as she. She farther surprised them when she displayed a skill seldom seen outside of an experienced mule skinner as she dug in without hesitation and downed two pints of stout then worked a third.