[quote=@Shorticus] In that case, let's leave it as a huge question mark. It can be implied that MAYBE there were some dealings between the East Africa Trade Group and the U.S. involving genetics, but there's no solid proof for or against the idea. [@Brink_][@Willy Vereb] Gonna go ahead and make it a finalized statement: Malagasy Enterprises USED to buy its tanks chiefly from Hungary. However, in recent years (15 or so years) it's been buying more tanks and planes from Franco-Iberia instead due to their common background. The one tank it still buys from Hungary is the HK-27 Lehel, which is a tank most Peacekeepers are familiar with and so has proven harder to phase out. If a contest between the two nations goes down to prove who makes the better tanks, then Malagasy Enterprises will watch with GREAT interest. The HK-27 is a mainline tank, so this is actually a considerable purchase Malagasy Enterprises makes. [@Inkdrop] Mutants/abhumans/etc. are tolerated in Corporate Madagascar. That's not to say they're loved; they're definitely treated as second class citizens. But they're tolerated. Malagasy Enterprises puts money first and would happily make deals with your nation if it seemed profitable. [@Nerevarine] Should we work out what sort of bad blood there may be between our nations? Past wars? It seems very likely to me that they've tangled with each other in the past. I reckon that your nation has the superior navy, but my nation's population and probable land superiority have kept them pretty evenly matched with some wars resulting in losses for one side and some for the other. [@Monkeypants] Yeah, I think Corporate Madagascar is definitely supporting the separatists because they figure the two main North American nations aren't going to try punching Madagascar with the distance between them, and they've got a lot to gain by having a third major power crop up in North America (though the Grogar are 100% not compatible with Malagasy needs). So, they're supporting the separatists. That could cause some tension. With that said, they'd happily help the NAU expand its borders into South America. Why? Because the NAU is friendly with Franco-Iberia. By helping the NAU, Malagasy Enterprises hopes to earn the favor of its "kindred" state, Franco-Iberia. This would probably come in the form of public praise for the NAU's efforts to "civilize the south," trade deals, and maybe even some small military support once the fight gets to Brazil. Both nations are in punching range of that place, after all. [@Isotope] We've already agreed that our nations have a cold, standoffish relationship, aye? [@Taeryn] Okay, so since both nations are willing to set aside ideals for the sake of mutual benefit and profit (because of course they are), do we want to establish what sort of relationship they have? Trade would definitely be involved. I'll add that Corporate Madagascar's relationship with your nation will also depend on your nation's relationship with Hungary. Madagascar doesn't want to upset Hungary too much if it can avoid it. They've got a good business relationship going on. [/quote]Looks good to me. Reminder that I have yet to ask around people about nation relations. Anyways, if you used to have Hungarian hardware then I suppose your HK-27s are also older models, likely upgraded domestically. As for competition my original idea was that you'd be the host and the results could decide which tank to adopt. [@Brink_] Although I still wonder what kind of tanks Franco-Iberia have. Should I assume something similar to what the French had in the 50s? Those are some sweet tanks, mind you. BTW, how would our international relations to be? I assumed we fought together in the Great War but against whom? I think it's about time to solve the loose ends.