[color=violet]"Jin!"[/color] Sakura called, running over to her friend. Inari, her persona, followed behind. As a shadow lunged for Sakura, Inari grabbed it with one hand in a sweeping motion and redirected it, forcing it to fall away. Sakura glared at it as she reached Jin to help them up, and gave Inari a command. [color=violet]"Maragi."[/color] Around them, several of the shadows burst into flames, adding some light to the area. It was chaos, a battlefield, and all Sakura could think of was protecting her friend. She stood up and pulled an arrow from her quiver, nocking it to her bowstring and taking aim. A second later, the feathery shaft sprouted from a shadow, and Sakura again gave Inari her command. [color=violet]"Maragi!"[/color] Again, flames sprouted from the shadows around her, and she drew another arrow. As long as she was around, nothing was going to get close enough to touch Jin.