[quote=@Kasus Cloud] @Melonhead, So, I read up a bit; not a whole lot is new, save that usually I've ended up in fights with t1 RM/UM against T1 PC, or the other way around. That's definitely a good system to show some of my mentees sometime, for sure, it has good detail and good information. So with that in mind, We could do a uh, T1 MP/PC, just nothing god-tier of course, and feel free to utilize logical interrupts/hypotheticals in the fight as much as you want. I have one or two characters in mind, and we'll have it set to non-lethal, with the idea being that the whole trying to butcher eachother is merely taking place within an illusion, a really bad lucid dream or whatever. Also, if you have an alternate form of communication, let me know as I'm not on the website during all hours of the day, and perhaps we could get something going there so I can keep in touch during this whole thing. Skype, Discord, Curse, TS, etc. ~Kasus. [/quote] I'd rather not have it all be a dream, just pull your punches a little. If you launch a move that is a clear killing blow and then stop at the last second I'll surrender, if your character uses a sword or w/e. Mine uses rocks and basically a big club, so accidentally murdering people isn't a huge concern. I will be using logical interrupts, they're basically 80% of my fighting repertoire. I don't really have any other reliable form of communication, we'll just have to make do with the site as much as possible. Let me know when you have a character selected around John's power level. Also, if you [@Mention] me I'll be more likely to spot things. Story-wise my character is about to be thrust into another dimension anyway, so he can come to you if your character doesn't sit in his time-zone, which is likely.