[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=7821&s=55&t=Megan&c=4169E1[/img] [Hider=HANOVER][img]http://images.coilhouse.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/zst1_2.jpg[/img][/Hider] [img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=7821&s=55&t=Sprite&c=4169E1[/img] [Hider=Stats] [H2]NAME : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Megan Emmeline Arcadia Hanover / Sprite[/color] [H2]GENDER : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Female[/color] [H2]SEXUALITY : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Bisexuality[/color] [H2]AGE : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]16[/color] [H2]YEAR : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]6th[/color] [H2]HOUSE : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Ravenclaw[/color] [H2]BLOODSTATUS : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Muggle/Squib[/color][/Hider][/Center] [center]========================[/center] Megan walked into professor Cunningham's potions class and smiled as she sat her book bag down and took inventory of the materials then starting with the common root ingredients worked her way through to a conclusion. *A Blood Potion* was her solution to the puzzle's first stage then to a farther refinement of probability arriving at the only potion it can be a Restorative. Goddess she hated the fact that her Aunt's repetitive lessons in cooking had helped her move so quickly to her answer. The Witch's ghost could be a horrible Dominatrix when it came to school work drilling Meg sometimes over vacation till the young Prodigy left her wand home to seek solace among muggles. Well that was over now because Aunt Liv had agreed to never meddle at school but did act as an extra guilt trip type of conscience were school work was considered. So before she gave her suffering dead Aunt any extra ammo while they debated on "The Cloaks" and the depth of the law. Auntie didn't disapprove of her attending the not so secret meeting only her refusal to take on it's power structure actively. The ghost didn't even care that she join them or cause their ruin so long as she exercise her casting power against live targets as she gained a reputation for power. Shaking off such thoughts caused Megan to growl vocally disturbing the calm atmosphere of the class room. [color=AFEEEE]"I could have been a muggle posh, gone to a muggle school an lived a muggle life gone to muggle collage and been happy; No I found a wand."[/color] said to herself in a quiet tone a bit above a whisper.