[quote=@Willy Vereb] I imagined more as you adopting a semi isolationist policy to the GW and made a killing from the loans and trade. Otherwise your army would be busy with the Badlands or so. You are free to imagine up a different scenario. Just tell it to the involved players. [/quote] Thanks for your input but I'm going to exercise my freedom to imagine up a different scenario. Anyway... [@jig] [@brink_] There wouldn't have been a big NAU presence aside from loans and military advisors. So during the war, would jodesia and franco-Iberia bases have sold or leased military facilities for NAU peacekeepers? These facilities at the time would've been logistics centers but have gradually turned into full fledged military bases. Most have likely closed as peace has for the most part returned and I could see any remaining as either a boon for said nation as its yet another obstacle for an invader or a point of contention like American bases in Japan. "war is over gtfo!" Ordeal from civilians near the base.