Oliver nearly fell asleep relaxing in the bath, and it was only when he realized he was dozing off, that he remembered he was supposed to be washing himself. He didn't know how long he'd been soaking, but he barely needed soap to get most of the grime off. Surprisingly, though, the water was still warm. He assumed someone had snuck in and done that for him, and moved on with his life. Once he was clean, the Paladin decided he might as well get out. Of course, he stood up just in time to see someone peeking in. Unashamed, he glared at the slowly opening door, his body glistening in the candlelight as one of the maids poked her head in, only to gasp and retreat. "My apologies, Ser Oliver." she called out quietly. "It's fine, don't worry about it." he replied, climbing out of the tub and towelling himself off. Once he was mostly dry, he wrapped the towel around himself. "I'm decent." he called out, and now the maid entered the room completely, a fancy-looking bundle in her arms. "I brought you some clothes" she offered barely above a whisper. She kept her eyes downcast, but he could see the effects he was having on her, despite her efforts to the contrary. "Just, uh... Throw them there, I guess... Do you have anything less fancy? I don't plan on entertaining anyone today, I'd like something to lounge in." he wasn't used to women behaving this way around but, but he also wasn't normally a warrior who could very well have been carved marble given his figure. "Oh. Uh, yes of course. I'll be right back." the woman was recovering remarkably quickly, but that didn't stop her from dashing out to find something else for him to wear. "Can it be brighter in here?" he asked the room, and it was kind enough to oblige. The lights had dimmed while he snoozed, but hadn't gotten around to brightening again, he supposed. Then it occurred to him that whoever had kept his bath warm had probably dimmed the lights too. Now that he'd pointed it out, though, the room lit up very nicely, like it had been when he'd first walked in. Once he could see properly, Oliver finished drying off, and then began admiring himself in the nearest mirror, flexing and examining his battle scars. So it was for the second time that day that the maid walked in on him naked, and again she was kind enough to gasp and duck out. He grinned to himself when he realized what had happened, but wiped the smile from his face before announcing his decency once more. "I picked out the comfiest clothes I could find. Please let me know if you decide you'd like something else." the maid set the clothes down where he'd indicated she could set the first set, and disappeared from the room, probably to go tell her friends about walking in on the Paladin while he was naked. Meanwhile, he got dressed. She certainly had picked out comfortable clothes. He had a pair of baggy pants that he might have called sweat pants if they weren't still in the weird, quasi-medieval style of everything in the game, an incredibly soft silk shirt that looked like it wasn't supposed to fit anyone, and was designed purely to be comfortable. and a pair of slippers to round out his lazy sunday look. "I probably shouldn't be seen like this..." he muttered to himself, wondering what others would think if he were to start wandering around dressed like the laziest, richest man alive. He decided he didn't care for the moment, though. He just wanted to go lounge around, and maybe ambush Sanguine into making out with him some more. Then he remembered that the vampire was supposed to be done her bath fifteen minutes from a while ago. He was pretty sure she should be unoccupied, but supposed she could be anywhere at this point. He decided to start in the living area that was nearby, and headed out, figuring someone should know where she was if he couldn't find her there. It seemed that it took both of them longer than expected to get ready, though, and he got into the hallway just in time to see someone he was pretty sure was the Guild Master dressed up incredibly nicely. "Holy fuck." the words just kind of tumbled out of his mouth without his consent, not that he would have changed them if he did mean to say something. "I'm super under dressed..." he muttered to himself, but it was too late now, he'd surely alerted her to his presence. He didn't even have enough time to dash back into the bathing room if she reacted like any normal person would when someone starts swearing behind them. Resigning himself to whatever fate awaited people who wandered around under dressed, he decided he might as well press forward. At least then he could find somewhere comfortable to lounge instead of cowering in the bathroom hoping for someone to bring him something fancy and uncomfortable to wear...