(A lot of my character will not make much sense at first, I did not want to have a whole chapter worth of info just in a character sheet so most of him and where he is from will be explained as the RP goes, a thousand apologies for taking so long everyone) Name: Vonsuer (VON-SUE-R) Strofth Treores Titles: Nurterer of Nausea, Court member of the True Law, Preacher of pox, General of Genocide,The Silent Martyr [hider=Without Mask] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e8/44/99/e844998e032dabd95894dad7034b821e.jpg[/img] [/hider] [Hider=Helmet] [Img] https://pinturaedesign.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/3efd81f2b9ce788d5c16f799baf36ef9.jpg[/img] [/hider] Gender: Male Age: Well into his decomposing years Theme Song: (in progress) "Far to the north past the dark moors and fetid swamps, past the barren wastes of voracious carnage was a large stretch of hill that rose forth from the earth like a man buried before his time pounded against the confines of the earth only to have it spring forth at the beatings of his fists, a child forever within its mothers womb. Among those hills are even taller and foreboding mountains, placed as grave markers for those who perish and join the man who never saw the sunlight. Yet amidst this harsh landscape life flourished and stood by its ever present partner death locked together not in conflict but in mutual respect not to keep some balance or scales from tipping over to far but they stayed by one another for each new the power they had over the other, death showed its good will to life when covering these massive gravestones were tall, thick forests that the blinding light of the sun rained down to warm and illuminate those steadfast guardians of life that stand firm, observant and mesmerised by the wonders that the two share in creating below the canopy the cold creeping death that breeds, while the sky filled with sorrow at the earths struggle weeps a deluge upon the land, the foliage despite its vast numbers does not horde this gracious offering instead cups their hands together and let this gift pass through their fingers were the tears for the dead pool and the denizens gather to celebrate life and commemorate those before them. It is a landscape little from beyond the darkness of the trees have and ever will see an ideal given a physical form, a belief that the land itself codified and its denizens both living and dead revered her teachings. This is Vershult, her body has been scarred and her children and their father lie dead upon her, this decrepit form remains, damaged but ever present pillars held aloft to revere the vibrant, savage and chaotic gift of life and give praise to the ultimate law that keeps peace as it should be, gentle yet unstoppable."- A faded etching from one of the Kin trees of Vershult [hider=Vershult] Vershult was a land of intellects and scholars amidst a harsh land, yet the people of Vershult looked to their neighbors not for inspiration but something to avoid, the civilized ways indeed had there merits but left much of the population complacent and greedy, so it was decided by a gathering of tribes that while they would look to the future and learn its ways they would never abandon their roots and primitive ways for it was the old ways and the motherland that bred them that kept them unified. Vershultian society was strict in its laws and customs and instead of adopting the civilized ways of their neighbors wholeheartedly they found ways to incorporate new and old methods together. Rather than have a standing army under the central command of a emperor each man woman and child by the age of 6 was trained to defend his or herself and those around them. Vershult was heavily religious adhering to a multitude of gods, goddesses and other deities, a popular phrase was "For as many wonders there are in life and in death there is a being who exists to allow these wonders." Even the Cult of Krallesh is accepted into The Vershultian church's extensive and expansive pantheon and the nation as a whole generally respects the reason of worship that another holds with the exception that even those monotheistic faiths must pay some form of respect to the existence of another faiths deities. No grave yard has ever been erected in Vershult and any harboring of the dead was illegal, instead the departed where either taken to the separated camps of the Walking Dead and stored among the criminals if the departed where given over to the council, otherwise the dead are taken to high towers, areas heavy with animals or high above the mountains were parts of flesh are removed and taken back to the village to be prepared with the rest of the meats, the rest is left for birds and animals to strip the bones clean, afterwords the bones are rather fashioned into tools if the surviving deceased family members deem it or they are taken to towers or pits where lime and rain water dissolve the bones and the water is filtered back into the land or rivers, for each live lost a tree is planted for the dead and marked as a member of the departeds family these kin trees remain standing until their death and the dead wood is crafted into weapons of war so that the ancestors and the newley dead may fight by their families side. Criminals where offered choices depending on their crimes, since the wealth of Vershult is not centered solely in currency theives and petty criminals are forced to repay their victims in both Vins(The currency of Vershult) and in assets such as food which is provided not by the criminals but the states regional council, afterwords the thieve is forced into indentured servitude until the food or resource has been renwed and is then free to return to his tribe. Murderers and rapists where put to death the moment they where tried and judged guilty for their crimes or they where conscripted into the only soldiers that Vershult Fielded, this group had no true name to the Vershultian people but to those who faced them alongside the tribes they where known as The Walking Dead. [/hider] (Note this is the actual backstory for my character, I apologize for the extensiveness of the nation of Vershult but my character bases most of his existence off of it so I figured it was better to know Vershult to know who the Silent Martyr is) [hider=The Silent Martyr] As the Fatherland (State council) and children of the Tribal Socialist Junta of Vershult continued to protect and support their Motherland and not allow Khan Scazzven to depose of Vershults Fatherland and take her for himself the Khan began to mobilize his soldiers and minions from Fortress Dre and march against the warrior people of Vershult. The forces of the Khan may have been a people of the north as well but the lands of Vershult were not only difficult to reach and its warriors zealous in her defense but the motherland herself aided her husband and children in their glorious struggle but even this was not enough representation of Vershults determination for even the honored dead allowed their physical forms to be used once again in battle. Much blood was spilled to feed the kin trees and death enacted its judgement on all sides, yet the Khans forces continued to invade and Vershult resisted, it was then that a grim reality was realized by both forces there could be no end for either war, should the Khan slay the fatherland Vershults children would continue to resist and the Motherland would continue even long after her children where gone and so it was that Vonsuer harnessed the land and its powers over life and death and summoned forth a great plague that swept through the land and though the earth was ever resilient against this miasma of death her children and their foe where not, Vonsuer sacrificed not his life but a part of his soul, his people, his home and nation to preserve the one thing they had all existed because of and for the land itself. To this day Vershult remains untouched by mortals, only the honored dead and the eternal life of the Motherland and her creations hold sway there. For amidst the massive and vibrant trees lie blackened and dead husks each with marks from the men, women and children who fought for the land that provided for them. [/hider] Abilities: Able to utilize the forces of nature both magical and mundane A malformed combination of alchemy and steel may keep his heart and body together but Vonsuer's heart beats as a drum of the warriors that he lived among. He brings the savage and untamed powers of nature and combines it with the equal mercilessness of death. Living a paradoxical existence he fights in much the same way blending the physical wonders of technology with the savage ways of his tribe. Yet despite this he is not immune to the ravaging effects of the poisons and chemicals he employs and his body has suffered as much as his spirit, he certainly wont be going on any dates anytime soon.