[@Marcus XVI] [@olcharlieboi] [@Zerofighter] As the two man working on the door began cutting though it, the power level behind it would spike, as suddenly, the ship would turn into a fireball, exploding like a bomb. Waves of heat wash over all there, and for the two in the ship, should they not be made of sturdy stuff, may be reduced to ash. Slowly,from the now burning smouldering hole, slowly walks out a creature, his skin an ashen grey, his face hidden behind a skull of a giant goat like creature, that was being worn as a helmet. He stands tall, nearly 9 foot tall. Under his mask, steam slowly rises, smelling of sulfur. Slowly, this creature, seeming to be from the depths of hell itself, turns his head, and stares directly into Mizune's eyes. She could feel his stare. It almost filled her with a dread, not like she'd felt before. She could feel his malice. His anger. His hate. "........Mizune......" His gruff, deep voice growls out. "...Long time....no see....." He states, before placing a hand on his stomach, onto a place where his skin was a slightly lighter shade of grey. A scar, from a wound long healed. This was a foe from Mizune's past. She'd killed the demon with a rage filled punch, having punched though him. There, he should of been long gone.......but now, he is standing before her again. And now, behind him, slowly crawling from the wreckage, a alien creature, oddly fish like...this man. [hider= Apollo] [img]http://dq10.ffsky.cn/image%5Ccharacter%5Cshuiyao%2F18.jpg[/img] [/hider] He crawls out of the flames, gasping for air, one of his arms having been lost in the crash. A long trail of bubbling blue liquid trails on behind him, showing how critically injured he was....yet he refused to die. A feat of will, most definitely.