Eleanor was still yelling to the strange women to join her in or on the relative safety of the APC as the gigantic metal shaft of a lance passed over her shoulder, taking aim at the pair of mysterious cloaked figures. A low whine behind her spooled up into a shriek as the lance -- no, the barrel -- unleashed a torrent of gunfire, a deadly spray of Mako-infused, depleted uranium rounds bearing down upon the cloaked women and most likely tearing them into bloody confetti. "Sorry 'bout the noise." Lifting the seven-barrels of the GAU-48 'Juggernaut' gunlance from over her shoulder, the massive, armored-monstrosity known as Gever Worden kept the weapon aimed at remains of the women, confirming the threat had been neutralized before turning away from Eleanor to face the front of the APC, his head turning slowly as he scanned their surroundings. Satori and Nergal had been given point on this operation, but they had not been the only ShinRa employees dispatched... After all, while a working knowledge of the occult would certainly serve the team well in the realm of a death god, the higher-ups had seen enough horror films to know that sometimes a victory over the dark arts came down to good old-fashioned firepower. Or at least he liked to think that they'd seen enough horror films to know that. In any case, Satori had left to deal with an uninvited guest, and Nergal, while technically left in command, was still attending to whatever dark ritual that he had been preparing since shortly after their deployment to the Plagued Forest, and so it was left to the bullet sponge to attend to the direct protection of the APC in the meantime. As Eleanor was riding atop the vehicle as a hatch had slid open in the roof behind her, revealing the elevator that had lifted the near 9' tall Gever and the 11' tall Ares Unit he wore to the top of the where he now stood behind her.