[hider=Heather] Name: Heather Kaithan Appearance: [img]http://s22.postimg.org/ci0dbztbl/Heather_FE.png[/img] Class: Princess (Cleric) Age: 18 Sex: Female Weapon Rank: Staves: D Equipment: Mend, Bloom Festal Skills: Healtouch: Increases healing power, Healing Prowess: When healed, allies recieve a small heal for awhile after. Plot subjective: Yes (Just don't pull an Emmeryn on me! ...Haha....Ha? ) Personality: Heather is brave, often serious, and devoted to doing the right thing. She is also kind. She has a soft spot for cute or pretty things and will often ignore her surroundings to dote on them, especially cats. She is fond of fashion, dancing, and music. Biography: Heather is the beloved daughter of the Duke of Rosanne. Ever his pride and joy, she was raised with most things provided for her and showered with affections. Her life was pretty much quiet and uneventful until the meeting of the nations with the newly formed Church of Naga. Almost as soon as she saw him, Heather felt rather enarmoured with the young tactician named Matthew, who was proclaimed to be the Champion of Naga during the meeting. Heather set out to aid him, not only because she wanted to help him, but also because the Church of Naga's methods just didn't sit right with her. She sneak out of her room in the night, although her father believes differently.... Stats (I made this up for fun): Level 1 Princess Base Stats -- Growths HP: 16 -- 40% Str: 3 -- 35% Mag: 7 -- 60% Skl: 4 -- 35% Spd: 6 -- 40% Luck: 8 -- 60% Def: 4 -- 30% Res: 8 -- 60%[/hider] I think that'll do it? Anything I need to tweak?