[hider=Hrrstag] [center] [h3]Name[/h3] Hrrstag [h3]Age[/h3] 19 [h3]Gender[/h3] Male [h3]Species[/h3] Gargoyle [h3]Rank[/h3] Ordinary member of the Manhattan Clan [h3]Personality[/h3] He's a hot-head. Not that he's especially loud or more convinced of himself than others are of themselves, but there often are many ideas roaming around in his head and once he has focused on one of them, you better get out the big chains quickly and wrap him in them tightly before he starts to let off steam, possibly mumbling something about a belief in 'speed and power'. He definitely doesn't lack cognitive ability, but experience, patience - and a bit of emotional continuity. Especially since the rumours of an upcoming war are spreading, one can feel how strained his nerves are. [h3]Other[/h3] - [h3]Appearance[/h3] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/925c/i/2005/281/4/3/venquer_gargoyle_variant_by_harry7mason.jpg[/img] Hrrstag's skin feels rigid, rough and is dominated entirely by a dark gray hue. He's got a mane of long hair one can discover a bit of a blue opalescence in, but the most noticeable features of his head likely are his coiled horns and piercing eyes. Hrrstag is 'only' 6'8" what makes him short by gargoyle standards, but having a closer look will quickly revise the first impression of him being a weakling. In fact, almost every inch of his body could be used as an example for pure... savagery. [h3]Equipment[/h3] He tailored himself a large, hooded cloak he can hide his sharp skeletal extensions and wings under if he packs them tightly together. Whilst this certainly isn't a disguise that would survive a close inspection, it at least saves him from having to walk around naked and being discovered immediately. Aside from that he doesn't posess anything worth mentioning, especially no weapons. [h3]History[/h3] One night, the Manhattan Clan found a small crate someone must have placed on top of their skyscraper in an unobserved moment. There was a document attached to it in which the anonymous parents pleaded for accepting their yet unhatched son. They stated that they had been expelled from their clan and did not want their child having to grow up under the conditions they were now confronted with and not to be associated with their disrepute. There was quite a debate about what to do in the situation the Clan found itself confronted with and an investigation was started. Thanks to it, it is known today who they are, which clan they were expelled from and for what reason. The proof the other clan provided wasn't totally convincing, but the present location of Hrrstag's parents is not known as they hid away. Hrrstag was raised within the Manhattan Clan, but it was not always easy for him as there was noone specific he could always talk to and neither did everyone accept him at once. This all has settled, but if someone gets in trouble or caused such, he's still often the first guess. [/center][/hider]