[center][h3][b]Derek Walker[/b][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/68c6/f/2012/213/2/a/2a1346e42f14b871b2d6cb864c3c8fa4-d59ek7v.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] [h3][center][b]-Basics-[/b][/center][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Derek Peter Walker [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [h3][center][b]-Survival-[/b][/center][/h3] [b]Faction:[/b] The Diesel [b]Gear/Weapons:[/b] [list] [*]Set of personal garments (pictured above.) [*]Various gadgeteering tools. [*]10mm pistol. [*]Small switchblade. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Crafting (major) [*]Selling [*]Hunting [*]Writing [*]Running [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] Mild regeneration. Strong bones. [h3][center][b]-Other-[/b][/center][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] Derek is a quiet type. For the most part, he keeps his head down and speaks only when spoken to, particularly when spoken to by his boss. [b]History:[/b] Derek was born into a small, overcrowded settlement some two or three miles west of the Diesel camp he’s currently living in. The first few years of his life were as normal as normal can get in a post-apocalyptic wasteland setting. Both of his parents were present, nurturing, and loving as they could be. The settlement in which they lived was rather advanced -- they had an amazing clinic, plentiful farms, and polite people to associate with. Three months short of Derek’s seventh birthday, however, the settlement was raided by a group of Boars who happened by. The local militia took care of the majority, but some still got away with supplies, food, and slaves. This included Derek’s three year old sister and their mother. This left Derek and his father alone. At first, his father was obsessed with seeking revenge, but never properly carried out his desires. Derek would watch his father make plans, writing them down, drawing out movements on scrap pieces of paper that could have been used for better things. Around this time was when Derek began hanging out with the local mechanics, who repaired and worked on motor vehicles with travelers, for a price. There, Derek learned the basics of maintaining and repairing vehicles, and even started to learn a bit about robots. So, by the time Derek had turned fourteen, his father decided that it was time they move on from the settlement. At first, Derek was confused, but it later became known that his father was interested in seeking out The Diesel camps. They offered much more for Derek and his father than the settlement had, what with larger and cleaner facilities, personal housing, and their tight-knit family-like structure. It happened that, with his father quickly gaining popularity even though Derek had never before seen him tamper with vehicles or other machines in the slightest, his father scored himself a position in the higher ranks. He became the leader’s right-hand man. Then, when Derek was eighteen, there was a massive conflict inside of the camp between The Diesel and a group of Mile-Highs. At the time, he wasn’t as in the know as the other leaders’ sons and daughters. He’d been hanging around the teenage “misfit mechanic” bunch. However, one of his friends, Alejandro, informed him of secret gatherings where members of The Diesel met up with members of the Mile-High in order to exchange parts or services for drugs, then get high together. The Diesel had failed to pay a due to the Mile-Highs, which sparked the battle that was taking place. Although he is now twenty two years old, Derek hangs around one of the Diesel members like an apprentice. Adrian Reeves ([@CLIW]) caught his interest about a year ago, and since then, Derek has been admiring him from afar. It has only been recently that he’s managed to make conversation with the man. [b]Etc:[/b] -Owns a 17 year old blonde slave named Anna. -He is the owner of [@shylarah]’s Tachi.