[@The Mad Hatter][quote] About her giving birth somewhere that's not Gobi... How far into her pregnancy was she, when she was banished? Because "the moment it became clear she was pregnant" can mean various things; by pregnancy test (I have no idea if they have those in the Narutoverse), by some sort of ninja ultrasound-scanning-type-thing (again, I don't know if they have those), when she began showing, when she couldn't hide her baby-belly anymore, when the baby began kicking and so on - all of those things would be at different stages of her pregnancy, after all, and would mean she had more or less time to travel around. If we go with the "when she began showing" option, that would be when she was around 3-4 months pregnant, which would leave her 4-5 months to travel around the world and find the place she wanted to stay. How many places did she go before she settled on Gobi? How long did she stay in each place? Where did she actually give birth? Who assisted her with the birth (doctors, midwife, medicine man/witch doctor, traveling medical ninjas)? How long did they stay there after the birth? Why did they not just settle there, rather than travel with an infant? How did she travel with the baby (on foot and carrying him, on a wagon or the like, ect.)? Basically, tell me/us about the travels and the birth. [/quote] In this instance I have to say I can't really answer this in-depth because I'm not sure yet how her travels went in this period. It's not something I wouldn't expand upon later, but this is something I'd like to take time to think on. I like to keep certain aspects of my characters background vague so I have the ability to add or remove things(with the consent of the GM, of course) when I feel it's needed. What I can say is that she probably didn't go to too many places before Gobi, maybe one or two, and didn't stay very long. The where and why will not be finished by the deadline, however, as I want to think about this section in-depth and at my own pace. [quote] Even though I like the idea of using engravings on weapons as seals and all that (reminds me of rune magic, which is awesome), I'd like to place attention on the fact that it's not something we've ever seen used in the series and is not in any way described as the way the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist's blades were made (since you mention that his father's clan were rumored to make those). You would need to go in depth about how this works. I don't see this sort of engraving as Fuuinjutsu, since the only types of Fuuinjutsu that we've seen (as far as I can remember) are meant to either capture, restrict, protect or absorb things; they're all "defensive". They are, after all, sealing techniques; techniques used to seal things inside something. If I have misunderstood how it is you plan to use these seals, please let me know and elaborate.[/quote] Engraving's aren't the Kajiya sealing technique, that would be apply seals during the process of the forging, which is a rather involved and taxing process, especially if there is only a single smith working on a work. The seals are embedded into the metal by use of chakra and chakra alone(as one can't write or engrave a seal onto a piece of molten slag) hence why there are no real outward signs of sealing on the blades. As for the Fuinjutsu aspect, I kind of see it as the ability to control chakra and command it, though this view has been shaped by other uses of sigil-based systems. When I think of a seal, I think of it as a series of commands to the chakra inside of it, telling it what to do and what not. Thus, while the most obvious way of using it would be the ways mentioned, I don't think that too far-fetched to do thinks like, say, have the chakra inside of the blade convert the iron in blood into metal or give advance control over lightning chakra or other such things. Also, I can think of one way that fuinjutsu is used offensively that I would believe supports this theory: Explosive tags. Those are definitely fuinjutsu, but hey don't protect, restrict, capture, or absorb anything. What they do is explode, and that means the seal on the tag is telling the charka within it to surge outward in an explosive fashion. I know it's only one, but I think it's enough to go on at least. Now, for the engraving, it's basically the same as regular sealing, but short-hand(due to the lack of space) meaning the weapon would only be able to do one thing, and the thing would have to be simple. Plus, there were the problems mentioned above about this method and the method of painting the seal directly onto the weapon. [quote]I'd like to remind you that Kenjutsu (Sword Arts) are technically a type of Taijutsu (Close-Quarter Combat), so lowering your Taijutsu level too much would make your Kenjutsu skill being high rather unrealistic, since such skills as dexterity, agility, strength (using gamer terms) and so on would be under Taijutsu proficiency, as well. Just a reminder and all that.[/quote] Before I give a response to this, do you have any suggestions for how I should handle the skill thing?