Allisa wasn't the first person to arrive at the auditorium, but she wasn't the last either. She was somewhere in the middle. As soon as she stumbled into the large room, she began scanning the room for a spot to sit. There were many places where she could sit alone and drink without being bothered, but what was the fun in that. Ally was an overly social person, to the point of bothering people who didn't want to be bothered. And so her eyes wandered over the bleachers, before landing upon a very blonde girl. Her eyes then moved to the large feathered object upon the girl's shoulder. Allisa's whole face seemed to brighten, her love of cute fuzzy things bursting through. She took a sip of her vodka before making her way to the bleachers. It took her about a minute to scramble up the bleachers to the girl. When she did, she simply plopped down on the girl's left. Allisa sat there silently for a few moments, biting her lip, then taking a sip of her drink, which was about two thirds empty at that point. Finally she decided to speak, but did not turn to look at her. [color=f26522]"Does your little buddy drink?"[/color] she asked. She then preceded to summon a white bottle with a certain bird across the top into her hand. The label read [i]White Owl Whiskey[/i]. [color=f26522]"'Cause I think he'd like this stuff."[/color] she said, finally turning her head to look at the girl.