Unconventional Magic The year is 2016. The world you were born into, the one filled with Apple T.V. screens, and excessively beefed up tech is mostly a facade. Yeah, you read that right. Even writing this I feel clique, like I can't even believe my own words. Maybe it's all just been a dream. Well if it was a dream it was damned realistic, and it had drawn on for more than six years now. No, this isn't a dream, and I'm not going to wake up normal again. Since you're reading this you too are like me, another fool dabbling in the arts he knows not of. Where do I begin? Let's start with this little daisy of inspiration… Demons, they're real, like all of them. I know what you're thinking sounds pretty crazy right… or maybe it doesn't to you, it doesn't really matter if you believe these words, because one day you will. With every fiber of your being you will believe in those words and those words may consume your life. You will not be the same. Heres another Daisy for you, this one doesn't hurt the head as much. Magic, not that harry potter wand shit that amature wrote about, that most of us grew up reading. Its dark, its bloody and it rarely ends well for every party involved. I’ve seen powerful mages, though, ones that were masters of their arts. Some were hermits living as monks in that certain remote region to that one. Others, well one was Steve Jobs, partly why i don't care for the Apple products entirely. When you're a powerful mage you don't show it off. You keep your shit to yourself. I'm not here to help you along your path, and i'm not here to hold your hand. I'm here because at one point I, was you. I'm here to tell you just a few things then i'll get back to my amazing life… it's hard to convey sarcasm through text, I see that now. Any way so Demon that one is pretty self explanatory I mean i can go down to the Library and find a book full of random demons from so many different times. Knowing what they are and there names and stuff… Well that would be the easy part. Now summoning one of those bastards that's where things get tricky, and fast. There are countless spells and incantations one could use to summon a demon or even a Deity given enough power but that's not the hard part… not by a long shot. See the best way I can explain every Demon i've come across, is particularly easy. I have never met one that would not rather kill or eat you than serve you. So novice mages keep that in mind during your first incantations, simple salt barriers should do the trick for any minor Demons but the big ones… now thats were the real fun comes in. Enter Agares… as far as Demons go they are one of my favorites, i say they because they appear in the form of an elderly man with a hawk or a fair maiden whenever convenient. This is one being and there is only one of them. She (for the sake of argument) is of the rank Duchess and during my summoning I had to, not lying here, wrestle a Tiger. Now most people wouldn't in their right minds wrestle wrestle a great cat, but i'm not most people. Needless to say the Tiger took out my left hand, my take out i mean ate of course. Anyway when she appeared these were her words and I shit you not. “A whole hand? You have to be fucking with me!” Now if you knew anything about her here general outlook on life isn't a disdainful one it's just rather rude, she also loves cursing. So i gave up my hand to her and in its place grew a new one, the flesh bound me to her and her to me. A really stupid thing to do i realize at the time. Its very hard to get rid of a Demon that you have blood bonded with not without loosing whatever was replaced. I was young and inexperience i'd later learn that a simple ring could hold most greater Demons with the easiest of preparation spells. Though do I regret ever having summoned Agares? My answer would be no, not entirely, i mean as far as Blood Bonded Demons go, she wasn't a bad one to have around if you could mind the cussing, and boy did she like her cursing. So the Blood Bond right, it means I can behold any of her powers without a summoning ritual or even her physical form there, my hand would take her place. Now just Bonded Demons spells have to be said usually to bring them out of there shells and more spells for them to do your bidding. But let's use Arges as an example, the more spells and incantations I learn the more power i can take from her. She can help me speak in any language, consol the most lost of souls, instill fear into the hearts of my enemies, make cowards stand still as they run away. Even cause earthquakes but I’ve never done that. Now Magic, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Try this hat on for size, Magic is whatever you believe it is. Listen to this a Child Mage prodigy was born in Georgia. Yeah that Georgia, anyway the kid made up his own language when he was 4 and can speak it fluently, it has its own system of grammar and the whole lot. So this kid, as far as I know of that is, is the first person to do Magic in that language. You should see his work it's so… just different. But because he does Magic in this made up language he cares so deeply about, no one can crack his enchantments. You would have to translate it to whatever language you thought it actually was then (the fun just keeps rolling) you'd have to translate it to a language you knew well to dispel it. What I'm saying here is Magic is what you make it. We are finding lost and new Magics every day. And lucky little you, you get to help. My name is Hodges, my home is in England on 921 Lowly street in London. I help those like us, the ones that are lost. There's a whole world you’ve never even tasted out there people. I look forward to meeting you all… So this is an RP about… You guess right. MAGIC, and Demons but psh MAGIC guys right. Anyway you are welcome to create any kind of plausible char you like in this world and you do not have to start off as a novice Mage seeking help from Mr. Hodges here. There are many ranks and classing of Demon so do your research on the ones you summon because i will, we can't make any Demons up they have to be real. So for now this is going to go in the interest check, while i work for today on the rest of the plot and what not. THIS IS TO GAUGE PPLS INTEREST IN THE IDEA, THIS INTRODUCTION IS NOT SET IN STONE BUT IT MAY NOT CHANGE MUCH AT ALL. AKA THIS IS THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE WORLD If it's not states just ask, there are no DUMB questions. TY--- KageLeKiller