[@BCTheEntity]Let me know if this is fine, if anything needs to be worked on or improved, please. [hider=Ser Berenger the Giant, Primarch of the Iron Templars Legion] Name: Ser Berenger the Giant Gender: Male Homeworld: Berenger landed on the Feudal world of Arthis, a world that at the time was split up into several kingdoms, each warring and crusading against one another. The world was also host to various monsters such as hordes of vicious man-like Ogres, and Draken, large, land-walking lizards. Appearance: Ser Berenger is large, even for the other Primarchs. He is a thick, tall mass of sinew and muscle standing at a daunting 13 feet tall, and when wearing his armor is even larger and intimidating at a massive 14 feet. His face and head are completely shaven, and marred with thick scar tissue from years of combat, rendering him an ugly form as well as hulking and fearsome. His eyes are a piercing blue, and his voice booms with authority and experience. His armor is a bright silver, with a white tabard with the symbol of the Imperium upon the chest, reminiscent of the plate mail armor from his military service on Arthis, with a custom-crafted helmet resembling that of a knight from his homeworld. Personality: Berenger is an honourable knight through-and-through, he speaks with respect and dutifulness of those in higher or equal standing, and honor to those of lower positions. Despite his intimidating appearance, he can be a good speaker, known for ending wars on Arthis with but a few kind words. However, when Berenger becomes angry, he strikes with the fury of a maelstrom, destroying all in his path, the rage of a million berserkers filling him with seething hatred for those who have wronged him. Skills: Berenger is a very skilled swordsman, fighting with a power sword and storm shield. He's also a notable tactician and general, capable of leading skilled defenses and open combat, though assaults on fortifications are his prime weakness strategy-wise. He is also a horrid ranged combatant, being terrible at nearly all forms of marksmanship. Lastly, his skills involving discussion only extend so far as starting and ending wars, and arranging defenses and establishing rulers of conquered territory. Outside of this, he is not a "people person", feeling conquest and war are his strong suites. Biography: Berenger landed, almost miraculously, in the center courtyard of the castle of King Jacobis III, ruler of Ularia, formerly a large Kingdom on Arthis. The King hailed it as a sign from their gods, and had the baby raised as a warrior, in hopes that he could one day lead their armies in a crusade to unite the warring kingdoms of Arthis. By the time he was 10 standard Terran years, Berenger was a strong warrior for Jacobis III's main army. Having grown larger than any other human on Arthis, he was dubbed "Berenger the Giant", and shortly after Ser Berenger, as he was chosen as knight in Jacobis' service. Eventually rising to serve as Jacobis' marshal of the realm, and leading his forces in a conquest of the entire globe. Uniquely, he actually absorbed more nations than he conquered violently, somewhat of an oddity in Arthisian tactics. By the age of 20 Terran years, he had united Arthis under the Kingdom of Ularia, which was renamed the Kingdom of Arthis. From here, he watched over the realm, hunting the rogue hordes of Ogres, and cleansing rural areas of Draken and other monstrosities. This lasted until the fateful day in which another miracle figure appeared... The Meeting: "M-y lord...!!" cried the runner as he collapsed into the throne room, panting for air and waving a message with one hand. An elderly steward quickly paced forward, grasping the letter and offering the boy a water. When the runner had begun to recover, the steward withdrew his spectacles from his clothes, and began to read off the message to King Jacobis III. "It appears the astronomer, I believe his name is 'Barus', has reported what appear to be...ships coming from the stars. He reports that one has fallen just beyond the city." King Jacobis laughed and said with a boisterous grin "This 'astronomer' is just a fool...disregard his-" "No." interrupted Berenger. "My liege, did I myself not fall from the stars years ago? Perhaps this...ship could lead to some insight regarding my purpose in all of this. I will go to investigate. Alone." As Berenger stood, the Jacobis looked at him, stunned, but did not interfere. Arriving at the landing location of the ship, Berenger was awestruck at the size of the craft. It was at least as large as the flagship of King Jacobis' armada, if not larger. As Berenger stood in the shadow of this vessel, the entry hatch to the ship opened, and out stepped a glorious figure. A lone man, clad in massive golden armor, with an aura of authority rival to none. Berenger was for sure that this being must be some kind of god. As the figure stepped out of the craft, he asked Berenger "Are you the lord here? I wish to speak with him." Berenger explained to him that he was not the lord, but quickly guided him to Jacobis. Upon arrival at the castle, King Jacobis sat in awe, at the magnificent golden figure standing next to Berenger. In the booming voice fitting that of a god, the figure addressed King Jacobis. "Are you the lord of this world?" Jacobis, frightfully intimidated by the figure, stammered for a moment before meekly addressing him "Y-yes..I-I am..K-King Jacobis.." The figure stared grimly King Jacobis, before announcing his intentions to the entire throne room. "I have come to challenge you for the rule of this world. There will be a test of strength, a test of speed, and one of wit. If you, or a suitable representative, can best me in but one of these three challenges, then I shall leave. But if I win, you will relinquish control of your world to me." King Jacobis, looking over the massive golden figure, taller than even Ser Berenger, grew pale as a foul stench filled the area surrounding the throne. "I-I...uhm...n-nominate Ser Berenger the Giant to p-participate in my place...i-if that's alright, of course...?" He managed to mutter out. The heavenly figure turned to face Berenger, and spoke. "Do you wish to take your lord's place as the defendant of this world? Know that if you fail, you will be under my sovereignty from then on." Ser Berenger looked the god-like being in the eye, and accepted the challenge with but a nod. The first test, the test of strength, required both men to hurl 3 discuses as far as they could, alternating turns. Ser Berenger's first discus landed at an impressive 150 yards, but the Star-being matched this with a throw of 300 yards. Berenger's second disc landed 230 yards from the line, but the figure placed his next disc at 310 yards. Berenger's final discus managed to land 400 yards away, but again the figure trumped his throw with one reaching 427 yards. "I congratulate you Ser Berenger. Not many could even come close to challenging me at this test. I applaud you." The stranger spoke, to which Berenger gave a smile and a nod. The second test, that of speed, had the two men sprint down a clear dirt path of 100 yards. With great speed contradictory to that of their hulking forms, both men reached the end in less than a full minute. However, the man of the heavens had once again bested Ser Berenger. "You are almost a match for me." The man stated to Berenger, a slight smile upon his lips. "Indeed, you posses much physical prowess, stranger." Berenger replied, pleased to have finally met an equal. "We shall progress to the challenge of the mind. This is your last chance defend your liege." Berenger merely returned this statement with a grim, determined stare, and proceeded to the meeting place for the next challenge. The challenge of wit consisted of an ancient game, in which the two men would move carved pieces of black and white on alternating turns. The game lasted hours, until each man was down to their last 3 pieces. After some time, Ser Berenger saw managed to maneuver his offensive piece into a position from which his opponent's lord would have to withdraw. However, he had failed to account for a cunning strategy by the stranger, who defeated him in one move, winning the game. "It seems you have failed...my condolences." The man from the stars said." Ser Berenger smiled in return and spoke. "None needed. I am proud to be in the service of a lord with such immeasurable skill." They stood, and walked together to the throne room, where the golden-armored man made clear his whole intentions. "Gaze upon me, and behold. I am the new lord of this world, Arthis. I have bested your champion, and have absorbed your world into my Empire. For I am the Emperor of mankind, and my domain stretches far beyond this world into the black void of space itself. Kneel before me, and swear yourselves to my cause!" As the other occupants of the throne room knelt, so to did Ser Berenger, until the Emperor stopped him with a hand. "Not you. I have something to tell you, in private." "Is it true you fell from the stars as an infant, Ser Berenger the Giant?" asked the Emperor, to which Berenger replied with a simple "Yes, my Emperor.". The Emperor placed a hand upon his shoulder, and once again adorned his face with a slight smile. "No need for addressing me with my full title. For you are more than a mere vassal in my service...You are my son." [/hider] [hider=Iron Templars Legion] Legion Name: The Iron Templars Legion Number: IX Armour Appearance: [hider=Ranged][img]http://i.imgur.com/8KQyivc.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Melee]http://i.imgur.com/TVwOSCQ.jpg[/hider] On the tabard lies a golden Aquila symbol as well. The red Knight's Cross is their legion symbol, on the shoulder. Warcry: "For Arthis, Terra, and the Imperium!" Favored Tactics/Battlefield Role: The Iron Templars are highly skilled at open combat, and defending fortified positions. They fight in a manner reminiscent that of medieval battle formations, with their melee Astartes charging in formations, while ranged squads fire from vantage points when possible, or the flanks of the enemy. They also employ motorcycle troops as use for cavalry when in more open terrain. When assaulting enemy fortifications, they make heavy use of vehicles to blast through the enemy lines and walls, then charge in with melee and short-range assault infantry. Legion Characteristics/Ideology: The Ninth legion is dedicated to consolidating the rule of the Emperor upon the planets discovered during the crusade. As skilled in combat as they are in diplomacy, they work tirelessly to both bring in new worlds to the Imperium, and ensure they remain under their rule with staunch defenses. They also attempt to ease the lives of those on worlds under their defense, caring much for the common man of the Imperium as they do the Imperium itself. Hated Enemy (optional): N/A, for now [/hider]