[hider=Calla L. James] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/7c/df/4b7cdfda33d4eab7ea09b0eb808a0d50.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Calla L James. [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Length of Stay[/b] Calla just got to the hospital a few days ago, and her stay hasn't been determined. She assumes she'll stay until she starts eating again. [b]Symptom[/b] Anorexia Nervosa People with Anorexia Nervosa are likely to refuse eating certain foods, diet even though they're thin, and are often stressed when others refer to mealtime or eating. It usually occurs in victims of sexual violence, or survivors of traumatic experiences. [b]Incident[/b] Calla had passed out again, it was the third time that week. Her mother rushed her to the hospital and when the nurse went to put in her IV as per usual, Calla snapped awake and started to panic. She begged the nurse not to do it, and when more nurses filed in to sedate her she grabbed the IV from one of them and stabbed it into their arm. Being as weak as she was, she was swiftly sedated afterwards, and when she woke up they told her she was going to a 'group home'. [b]Appearance[/b] Calla was once a very pretty girl, but after her father was taken away and she stopped eating and grew pale and thin. Her teeth have been yellowing ever since she stopped consuming a normal amount of food, but she does her best to whiten them. She usually wears clothes that are far too baggy, and the remnants of her curvy figure are long gone. She stands at 5'4 and most of the muscle mass from her healthy days have wasted away, leaving her arms and legs lanky and frail. Her pale brown eyes have sunk just a little, and they don't retain their usual brightness. Her once long and shiny ombré hair has grown dull and lost all of its volume, though she tries to keep it well done by brushing it daily (a lot of it falls out) and doing fancy braids with it. [b]Personality[/b] Calla was once an athletic and carefree girl. She was the queen of the school, and although she still hangs out with the popular kids at lunch, she knows they talk about her behind her back. She has never come to terms with the fact that her father was a bad man, and his arrest still haunts her to this day. Ever since he left she stopped eating and gets slightly stressed every time there is a mention of food. She's very introverted, and refuses to talk to anyone about personal subjects. She doesn't even like telling people her date of birth, because she's afraid they'll use it against her like the cop used her testimony against her dad. Other than that, she spends her time being concerned about her weight and appearance. [b]Likes[/b] Calla has always had a soft spot for animals. Calla loves her dad and plans to visit him whenever she turns 18 and her mom can't control her. Calla also likes being able to control herself in front of food. [b]Dislikes[/b] Calla dislikes the nurses that give her IVs, because the IV makes her gain a lot of water weight. Calla hates admitting things, mostly that her father was a bad man. Calla doesn't like people eating in front of her. [b]Sexuality[/b] Calla is bisexual, but she's never had a crush on anyone. (She's afraid of upsetting her father ) [b]Bio[/b] [i]'Dear Diary, Last night Daddy came into my room again, but this time I thought it was a stranger. When I tried to scream Daddy put his hand over my mouth and slid into my bed. He whispered into my ear how much he loved me, and he started to touch me. I've never felt more loved! Today at dinner Daddy squeezed my leg, and gave me a loving look. I think Mommy noticed because she frowned, but she didn't say anything and I was too happy to care. I hope Daddy comes to visit again!'[/i] As a child, Calla grew up almost normally. Her father had a good job, and her mother stayed at home to take care of her. It wasn't until she turned the ripe old age of five that her father started to show her his own special version of love. He regularly crept into her room, and touched her in places she didn't know were inappropriate until he was satisfied enough to leave. She got used to his visits, and whenever her mom asked her if anything was going on she told her everything was normal and that daddy loved her a lot. It wasn't until she was eight that her mother finally called the police. [i]'Dear Diary, I think mommy is getting mad at daddy. Today a police officer with a big yellow badge came to our doorstep, and asked me questions about daddy. I told him that daddy loved me very very much and that everything was alright. I didn't know why this officer was here and it confused me. Then the officer took daddy, and put him in the car. I screamed and beat against the window, but the officer pulled me back and left with daddy. I'm scared, and daddy isn't here to comfort me tonight. Mommy tried to hug me but I wouldn't let her.'[/i] Her father stayed one night at the police department, and then came back home. Of course Calla was overjoyed, but that night her father didn't come to comfort her and love her. Instead he left the house, after a brief scuffle in the kitchen with Calla's mom. All Calla remembered was a lot of yelling, but her door was closed and she couldn't understand it. In the morning her mom had a bruise on her shoulder, it was hidden by her shirt but when she moved the entire inky splotch would reveal itself. Calla didn't understand it, and her mom wouldn't discuss it. By the age of fourteen Calla stopped getting visits from her dad, and her mom would only get more and more purple bruises. By then Calla was old enough to know what they meant, but she wouldn't admit it to herself. She would never admit that her dad was being abusive to her mom. When the police came the second time, they searched the house. What they found was shocking-dozens of pictures of little girls all undressed and curled up on the floor crying. They questioned Calla and her mother, but again Calla refused to admit that her father had done anything wrong. Her years of abuse had conditioned her brain to think none of it was wrong. Eventually, when they had shown her the pictures of the girls at least a dozen times, she told them her father had loved her physically. Apparently that's all they needed, he was put on trial and plenty of girls (even her mother) testified against him. After that debacle, Calla found an outlet for her emotional stress and pressure. Her weight. She stopped eating, and after she had dropped a few pounds she realized that worry about her figure made her forget everything else. So she started to diet, but stopped all the sports she was a part of. Her energy was waning and she couldn't waste it all on sports or she would pass out. So she stuck to being a couch potato, that ate next to nothing and spent her day on the television. She stayed that way up until her incident with the nurses, then she was put away to the group home. [/center] [/hider]