"Hmmm?" Chester arched his left eye brow. He put down his cup and folded his arms across his chest. "Now, young lady there's something funny about that." He cocked his head in the direction he found them. "Thing is, what hill did you come down? There's not really any around these parts. I mean, there are a couple here and there, but none of them are on, or close enough to my property to make your story possible." The farmer turned his attention back to Jim. "WAnna give it another shot, or are you going to stick to your friend's story?" Jim's face paled. Mareep must've sensed something too because she stood up on his lap and sparks of electricity danced around her curls. "It's okay." JIm said, patting her on the head. "No need to start a fight here." The young man turned his attention up to their host. "I'm not sure exactly what's going on. I'd like to tell you, but I don't know if you'd believe it. There's also the chance it could be dangerous for you to know." As if on que there was a violent flicker of several streams of lightning followed quickly by aloud growling thunder. "Hmmm. Try me."