[b]Name: [/b]Rioghnach MacKenzie [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] “Lightning” McKenzie [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Alignment Bias:[/b] Mutant, Chaotic (I assume this is the tendency to follow the rules?), Good/Neutral [b]Appearance:[/b] Relatively tall at 5 ft 9, MacKenzie has waist length, mildly wavy platinum blonde hair and typical pale Scotsman’s skin. Her eyes are a stormy grey, but they flash blue for a split second before activating her powers. Favourite clothes include denim jackets, biker gloves, ripped jeans, tank tops and boots with those cute little heels and metal studs. [b]Personality: [/b] [i]Electrifying[/i], [i]Charged[/i] with[i] Energy [/i]and [i]Sparky[/i]. (I’m sorry, that was terrible. I couldn’t resist). Nearly almost always the loudest person in the room, Riognach isn’t quite the type of person to always think before she speaks. Neither is she the type of person to deploy tact in basic daily conversation. Neither will her bold personality shy away from standing up for what she believes in. [b]Back story:[/b] Rioghnach MacKenzie was Scottish born and bred, so she always had the streak of the warrior in her. It seemed to be her absolute duty “protect” the female kids on the playground by pre-emptively attacking the boys, and break up every fight she saw – regardless of who started it. In truth, she was probably inspired a little by the Suffragettes of the golden days, and her time spent in an all-girls secondary school only strengthened her belief that women should be seen for the queens they really are. Sometime during her adult years, and dropping out of a Gender Studies university degree, MacKenzie turned her energy from pure radical feminism to the pro mutant cause, and moved to the US where the movement seemed to be gathering the most traction. [b]Ability:[/b] Electricity control. That is, MacKenzie can generate enough electricity in her body to moderately shock a man – causing pain and muscle tightness, but not knocking him unconscious. If she has been “charged” with electricity beforehand, e.g MacKenzie has come into contact with a live wire, then she can store enough electric potential to kill. Strength of her voltage can be amplified by metal objects also. MacKenzie wears studded gloves and shoes for the extra “oompf” factor, if she ever finds herself in a tight spot. MacKenzie can travel at lightning speeds through a medium, as long as it can hold a voltage. For example, travelling from one end of a metal fence to another almost instantaneously. [b]Equipment:[/b] A rusty, lightweight iron trident that MacKenzie found in a bootsale some time ago. But hey, it does the job. The points aren’t very pointy, and the blade itself is effectively dull, but anything sharper and MacKenzie would need a legal weapons permit to own it. However, the trident looks menacing enough for most purposes, especially when it’s arcing with her electricity.