[@kagethekiller] [center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=36691&s=55&t=Caeria&c=DC143C[/img] [hider=Crimson Phoenix][IMG]http://static.mangadrawing.net/users/image/41036-1girl-arm-up-blonde-hair-bodysuit-boots.587d053c170297da98ebd33f99d9b3f2.png[/IMG][/hider] [img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=36691&s=55&t=Hawksong&c=DC143C[/img] [img] http://orig15.deviantart.net/5f18/f/2014/002/4/3/fir_007_1_by_luisbc-d70h4jn.gif[/img][/center] Caeria looked at Luke when he asked why she was there. [color=FF3366]"The obvious answer to that question is attending school, the oblique answer is Why are any of us here? Then there are myriad other answers between those two so you need be more specific with you question."[/color] she says in a relaxed tone as a friendly smile paints her lips. [color=FF3366]"Actually I'm seeking my cell in this monastery of higher learning. I am Caeria Hawksong vessel of the Crimson Phoenix."[/color]