[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y8p6uQDH4s&ebc=ANyPxKpXAE_RP4bDN4yox4TAaZck4_FDVp83cQYcDBuYhH1jReQGU4qY6m59AhBZK_DMuJGp05UK8DcM88MX2BgKdCVs7Cr6NQ&nohtml5=False] Theme [/url] [@RumikoOhara] [center][h3] Luke. [/h3][/center] Luke chuckled at this “If we're to be so formal” He bowed. “ I am Lucious Cavon, the last of the Planeslords,” He reached in his pockets for something but couldn’t find it. “Not that I expect you know what that means, regardless i was only inquiring because of your spirit. I’ve not seen the likes of which in years. I am the bridge between your world, and this one, and them all.” He scratched the back of his head “There's Legends from when I was a child, where i'm from at least, if i were to die Traveling from one plane to the next wouldn't be the same, some jazz about the first Planeslords and the Weave of Existence. I don't particularly believe it but it keeps me out of plenty of trouble.” He found his pack of Camels “No one wants to kill the last useless creator, you know just in case,” An interesting thought occurred to him “...kind of like ...a Panda to humans. They still have those right?” He opened the nearest window and jumped out, lighting his cigarette. If he couldn’t smoke here they had better have a class for that too. Plus the battalion to force him to put it out. [center][h3]Mr. Mors[/h3][/center] Mr. Mors was walking to the lobby when the students began appearing. So many eager faces willing to learn, so many walks of life. He made note of the students and flashed outside finding a boy behind a bush puffing on a cigarette, he could see the tattoos through the boy's clothing.[i] A Planeslord how interesting.[/i] He thought to himself, taking note of this and just as the boy turned to look he was in the lobby again. The room practically smelled of power. That's the thing about this institution, so much power so little direction. Most of these kids knew nothing about pain, about torture, most had not seen worlds burned. And people so many people. His eyes fluttered changing to there true angelic color before quickly fading to their usual amber tone. Damned [i]flashbacks[/i], he looked to the new class. “If you need help finding your room or any other facilities, I have been teaching here for longer than most of you have had souls. And I don't bite as much as some of the other staff.” He said winking.