[@BrodZ11711] [center][h2][color=F5F5DC] Charles Hodges [/color][/h2][/center] Charles laughed again… this was getting scary stop laughing Charles. [color=F5F5DC]“Janet? Whatever do you need her for? Good Mage but weak in the moral fibers, can’t fight much but she's a smart one. Last I heard she was in antarctica doing some sort of ritual there, she was supposed to be here but said she couldn’t. I don't know how that whole lucifer thing panned out for her, rather greedy that demon, she gave him her son and nothing, that alone is enough to drive anyone mad. I hear they have some sort of pact though she’s never told me of it. Strange Magic on that little girl. Hard to believe she's only 16, eh? And you’ll come to see that your room if it's the biggest is just like 24 others so don't feel to special, there are 23 just as big…” [/color] I stood up snapping an Imp into the room with a quick incantation. [color=F5F5DC]“Show Mr. Zayn to his room so he may do what he wishes with so much room. I warn you though asking for one of those rooms you're bound to get lost I use them as villas, you see. Never have to leave home. Your welcome to whichever you like just don't get to deep so i don't have to send an Imp after you. Maybe a tour once you get settled, no other guest have arrived yet.” [/color] I said turning to him.