General Bio Name: Vida Curacio Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] She only stands about 5'3 and weighting roughly 110lbs. It is common to see her with her hair unkept and clothes wrinkly with cat fur. Though her looks give off a homeless feel she makes sure to bath every day, sometimes. [hider=My character drawings of Vida][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/hider] [URL=] [IMG][/IMG][/URL] Common clothes. Doesn't own anything fancy. Superpower Name of ability: Rapid cell regeneration Description: The ability to heal herself and others rapidly. She can cause cells to regenerate to the point they age and die, her only special way of killing someone. Level one abilities: Heals self effortlessly. Has to rely on transfusions or injections to heal others at first, clumsy working on healing others through skin to skin contact. She has no control over her ability when her emotions run wild. Level three abilities: Able to heal others without effort through skin to skin. Can improve the muscle tissue of others to make them stronger for a short time. Can cause peoples cells to break down or grow out of control, much like a very nasty tumor. Level five abilities: Has full control over being able to heal anyone and can target certain areas for concentrated healing. Since her cells are constantly repairing themselves as they are damaged her aging has slowed. She can kill by touching someone's skin if needed by causing them to age rapidly. Aging process depends on age and health of person effected. An average adult would take up to 5 minutes to kill. Note: Her fighting ability acts much like Apoptosis, but in an extreme state. The result of her attacking someone seems to cross over to Necrosis, which is cell death due to trauma. [hider=Picture of Necrosis. Warning! It is a little graphic][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/hider] Weakness: Character is rather useless alone, mostly a support character. She won't die because of her healing, but she is easily contained and can be used as a living hospital if hooked up to a transfusion. Even though she heals fast she feels pain like a normal person and if the injury is server enough will lose consciousness. She also uses a lot of energy to heal herself and others, so she needs to consume a lot of food to replenish her supply. Drawbacks: Causing someone else to age makes her own cells age at the contact point. Meaning her fingers or hands would wither with the person and decay. Depending on how far she goes with the aging progress she would have to recover or practically regrow her digits. Is very reserved about using this ability. Excessive use of healing caused her to become weak, such as she breaks down her fat reserves and muscles to use as fuel. History She was a drop out college student going from part-time to part-time to make ends meet. Her only family that she had in the city was her two cats that she had brought with her when she moved out of her parents house claiming she could live out of her own. Her standoff personality didn't win her any friends like she had hoped when she moved. Instead she had a simple plan everyday. Wake up, eat, feed the cats, go to work, come home, eat and sleep. Day Before: "Vida wake up!" She heard her boss yell. She had nodded off again that day, if this kept up she would be fired by the end of the week. "I'm sorry.." She replied as she stood up from her slouched position against some boxes in the back. "Sorry? You fell asleep when you had customers sitting in your section. They sat there for thirty minutes before someone complained that their waitress had disappeared!" He was furious with her. She could tell by the vein on his head that went *throb throb throb* with every word that he spoke. She stared at him as he yelled trying to think of what to say to him, but her head was blank. All she heard was his words echoing around. "Just go home." He finally said. She didn't even bother to fight back. It was obvious that she should leave. If she stayed then even more mistakes would be made. "Yes, Sir." Walking back to her apartment she reminded herself of all the hours that she had worked that day. She had pulled at double at her first job and worked only half a shift at her second. She counted about eighteen hours of work in one day. "I guess that was too much.." She grumbled to herself. She needed the extra money though to afford to buy herself some new shoes. The ones she was currently wearing were starting to get holes in the bottom. Arriving at her apartment she opened the door and was instantly greeted by two cats that brushed against her legs and meowed for attention. "Hello Co-co Bear, Hello Baby." She greeted them with a yawn. Putting some food down for them she didn't even bother changing her clothes as she laid down in her bed. She reached over and set her alarm clock so that she wouldn't over sleep and pulled the covers over her head. One more day behind her.