Elysia almost felt offended that no one jumped at the chance to have her in their party the very second that she revealed herself to the others. Almost. In her mind, it was simply their loss and nothing more. If need be, she would join a different guild. No. She would create her [i]own[/i] guild. One with go fish and succubi. Yes, that would be definitely a good idea. However, the words [color=f6989d]"DO NOT"[/color] caused Elysia to turn her head towards the orc that stood nearby. Frowning fully, she crossed her arms over her chest as she gave the orc a once over. Orcs had deeper voices than that, right? Maybe? She wasn't exactly true. Cultural assumptions and such. She took a step to the left, leaning to her side to see if someone was behind the orc. She stood there for a good moment and said nothing. She stood there for a second moment and still did nothing. [color=ed145b]"[b]Beatrice Diane Rosehart Olenwald the seventh![/b]"[/color] she exclaimed in her usual grandiose manner, extending a long slender finger towards the woman from her past, "[color=ed145b]How you have yet to change and continue to undersell the grandiose summonings of I, [b]Elysia Corentine! But then again... I do not expect anymore from a being of your low caliber!"[/b][/color] Elysia did [i]not[/i] care for Beatrice and never had. Part of it was jealousy, as long as skills went, Beatrice always outclassed Elysia, not that the full-demon would admit it. If they weren't in the guild hall, she would summon a fire-breathing dragon to devour her right then and there. ...If she could, that is. Elysia noticed another being walk up to her. A human? Walking up to her? She immediately resolved that if this wasn't an invitation to join his party, then she would try to force him to kiss her boot for even [i]attempting[/i] to walk up to her without an invitation. Thankfully, mostly for Elysia, that was exactly what he was saying. While Elysia scowled at first at his own verbiose speech-- in her opinion, the spot-light could only be on her-- she eventually moved back to her usual smug smile. [color=ed145b]"Well, well..."[/color] she looked back over at "Beatrice" raising her eyebrows slightly, [color=ed145b]"How the table spins round and round in a fashion to change the outcome of this encounter!"[/color] Way too many words to just say, "How the tables turn." She turned back to Koji and moved a stray strand of hair from her face, [color=ed145b]"I am feeling quite generous today, young man of extremely complicated vocabulary! Because I, [b]Elysia Corentine[/b], will accept your request to join your party."[/color] She stood there for a moment before clearing her throat again and saying, [color=ed145b]"And just for the record, I was [i]not[/i] being ignored."[/color]