After helping her, Skylar suggested that we go around helping the others, and I couldn't really disagree with that. She made a beeline over to Undyne, who I assumed was Sans, given that the body wasn't used to its own weight, and Papyrus already spoke... as Celes. I wheeled my way over there, something that I'll never really get used to, and I offered to help Papyrus up, saying "Here, I'll help you up," As soon as he grabbed my metallic hand, I lifted the body that Papyrus was currently inhabiting, and turned my attention towards Papyrus' body... which was wobbling around, and throwing bones around. "Careful, Celes, and please, calm down a little, alright? It's only temporary. At the very most, we'll only revert to ourselves after we convince the twin bosses to undo their magic... but, they said 'till the treee', so... maybe once we find a tree down here, we'll be good," normally, I would have healed Celes after that, just to help calm her... but, Mettaton happened to lack that particular variety of magic, so I had to make do with offering her a glamburgerâ„¢, as, for some reason, Mettaton had a few of these stored away. Maybe he kept them here for commercials, or maybe he actually CAN eat, and prefers eating food cooked by his own employees... for some reason. After that was over, I noticed that Mettaton, himself, decided to leave the group. "I'd stay longer, but... I need to go find Mettaton... er... I mean, Skylar... um... no... Mettaton in Skylar's body," I left the glamburgerâ„¢ behind, and made my way over to where I assumed Mettaton was. "Mettaton? Look, I know it's hard, but we all have to deal with this... I mean, look at me, I'm petrified of cameras, and yet, I ended up in your body... which means that I'm always ON camera," I called out. I didn't know whether or not he could hear me, but I honestly hoped he could.