[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=khaki]Valiant Village, Central Plaza[/color] [/h3] Once Celty explained to him the concept of currency, Devon played with the little gold Poké coin between his claws and stared at it with a somewhat strained face. [color=darkturquoise]"Yeah it makes sense. Buying stuff....I think I remember doing that alot...."[/color] The Totodile didn't have very much time to ponder the thought of past transactions, as a Zorua covered in paint seem to just randomly splash onto the scene. Literally. Milton's yelling caught Devon off guard, and forced him to quickly swim away from the fox's point of impact in the water so as to not get flattened. [color=darkturquoise]"WHOA!"[/color] The Tricky Fox popped back out from below the water with the most happy, dopey smile Devon had ever seen. He couldn't help but return the friendly gesture with a toothy smile of his own. [color=darkturquoise]"Hey Milton. Nice day huh?"[/color] Milton then mentioned that Devon's new found change was apparently special. This caused the little croc to stare at the coin in his palm once again smile slightly. [color=darkturquoise]"It's supposed to bring me luck then?"[/color] Tossing the coin in the air, he then caught it once again with his other hand. [color=darkturquoise]"Let's hope that's true. I could use some good luck right about now."[/color] Then Lulu's gang made an appearance as well, and just before Devon could answer her question, the hoard of little girls descended upon the river and sent plenty more move splashing around the Totodile. Causing a bit of water to get in his mouth and make him cough. [color=darkturquoise]"Ugh...Hey everyone. Lulu! Looks like you're feeling alot better! Not even falling off a cliff can keep you down huh? Oh uh, I'm Devon, if you didn't hear it from anyone else yet."[/color] With the greetings, Devon gave a short wave to the girls and a grin. Milton then made some sort of reference to something called a 'Monster House'. Of course this entire concept went over Devon's head. The Water-type simply stared with a blank expression at the Zorua child. [color=darkturquoise]"Uh....'Monster house'? Sorry, I'm dumb, what are those?"[/color] Thankfully Milton explained the concept to those who weren't in the know, and Devon nodded slowly at the explanation. [color=darkturquoise]"Oooooh. That's what that is. Ok, I uh...Think I got it now. Thanks Milton."[/color] That was totally a lie. Blinking still, Devon returned to floating on his back as he stared at the clouds above him. Lost in his thoughts. [color=darkturquoise][i]I keep hearing about these 'Mystery Dungeons' too.....What are they? It seems like they're pretty common knowledge around here....I'm probably gonna look like even more of idiot if I ask....Especially with all of these girls around....Last thing I want is to be the laughing stock of town....Maybe I'll ask Celty later when there's less Pokémon around....[/i][/color] As Milton began to bug them with his Sharpedo illusion, Devon looked over at the slowly approaching shark and snickered. His raspy voice loaded with sarcasm as he too seemed to be amused by the display. [color=darkturquoise]"Oh no! A big scary Sharpedo is gonna eat us! What will we do!?"[/color] The prank seemed to somewhat remind Devon of someone, but the thought soon fled his mind as he looked back up at the lip of the bridge to spot both Dylan and Celty both still standing there watching them all swim. His deep brown eye's shot to the Mudkip standing close to the Mawile as he waved at the other Water-type. [color=darkturquoise]"Hey Dylan! You ok? You've been spacing out there for awhile! Come swimming with us dude! Don't be a lameo!"[/color] [@Ninian][@Noklu][@Iatos][@Shiny Keldeo]