[@Tracyarmav][@LucasSkylight][@DestinyStar] Ikanus finishes up his portion of food and stands. "We can go now" he waves for her to follow and heads out, Anubis trotting beside him. As he walks he looks to scarlet. "If your relatives wish to meet us let me know and I will send them the coordinates" He seems to be walking a tad faster then usual, as if he is excited to begin. Once they reach the point, he nods to the other two and gently moves them into the middle of the clearing and has them each facing a different direction. He then heads back a good distance while his jackal stays. He then claps and Anubis shoots off like a bullet. For a good long time there was nothing but silence, until Anubis runs back. He is not alone though, three packs of wild dogs and three bears are chasing him. Suddenly, the jackal stops, flips over and bursts into shards. He seems lost forever until Ikanus activates heart of the Phoenix and the jackal reappears by his side. That being said, all the creatures have locked into the three players. A mob of attacking animals is now happening. Ikanus is watching carefully, and has his scythe ready for him to leap in at any moment if necessary.