[color=0072bc][h3]Dylan the Mudkip[/h3][/color] [color=fff79a][h3]Valiant Village-Spirit’s Guild[/h3][/color] Before they headed off to explore, Dylan was put to a small train of thought regarding what Celty said before walking. As they walked, his brain was chugging ahead at full speed. What moves could he use…? He had no memory of ever using any moves, being a human before all of this, of course, but he did know a fair amount of info about Pokemon and what they could do. For example, he knew Devon probably did, in fact, know bite, judging by the sound he heard coming from the Totodile’s jaws, but he didn’t know much about himself. Chances were he did know water gun, being a basic water move learned early on, but other than that, it was all uncharted territory. He didn’t even know how strong he was. Well, that rigorous training Celty had mentioned would probably help sort that out. [color=fff79a][h3]Valiant Village-Central Plaza[/h3][/color] Dylan’s train came to a slow halt as they entered what appeared to be a community area of sorts, the new sight pulling him to the current surroundings. For a village, it certainly had a very nice feeling to it, as if it was still growing. The Mudkip looked around, letting as much of it sink in as he could. As Devon spoke up, Dylan’s eyes shifted to the Pokemon walking about their daily lives. It was true, there was a lot going on, each Pokemon clearly having their own story. However, was it familiar…? The Mudkip wasn’t sure either way on that part. But if it meant Devon was remembering something, that was good at least! However, they both still didn’t know how they got here, as Celty reminded the two of them. The fact that there dungeons in the way made him question how he got there. Not to mention he didn’t even know what a “Mystery Dungeon” even was. Before he could ask, the Mudkip’s eyes followed along with Devon’s movements as he suddenly and energetically sped towards the bridge, before sitting on the edge of it. He had to admit, the scene looked nicely picturesque. However, the Totodile’s sudden change in expression and tone made him turn to the statue in the plaza. The forms displayed in stone rang a bell in his library of knowledge. They must have been the legendary quartet of the Swords of Justice. This fact was only confirmed by Celty’s answer. Though it seemed she didn’t know too much about them, only knowing Cobalion’s name and their backstory with this town. This made him wonder how he knew all of their names, since Celty seemed to know quite a bit. It also helped him relax a bit, knowing his knowledge was still mostly there, despite the amnesia. The Mudkip’s attention was once again redirected to the Totodile as he mentioned something about a shiny, before splashing into the water. Devon seemed to be enjoying the water as he popped out quickly, holding a coin of sorts it looked like. Going off of Celty’s answer, he surmised it must be the currency around these parts. Though, he didn’t know if that was the only type of currency or not. As he processed this information, another splash made Dylan turn his head towards the river, only to see Milton diving in alongside Devon. As Milton swam closer to the Totodile, he mentioned something about that being a lucky coin, and once again the phrase “Mystery Dungeon” popped up. He needed to know what that was… As he was about to ask, a small group of Pokemon suddenly appeared by the river as well, wanting to join in the warm water fun apparently! Dylan waved hello from above if anyone from the group was watching, not wanting to interrupt by calling out. The name Lulu popped up, reminding him of last night. So one of them was one of the two in trouble, huh…? Probably was the Riolu, based on how Spirit had reacted. Was Lulu related to Spirit perhaps? Well, in any case, the new group had jumped in without a second thought, making the river quite lively indeed. Milton threw out a comment about how it was becoming a “Monster House” in there, making Dylan wonder what that second new term was. Thankfully, Milton went on to explain that it was something in a “Mystery Dungeon” that spelt out danger to anyone who managed to find one. Well, at least he now knew something about Mystery Dungeons, though he wanted to know more. The Mudkip finally decided to speak out to the Mawile beside him, asking for information. [color=0072bc]“Hey, um, Miss Celty, what exactly is a Mystery Dungeon? I can’t seem to remember anything about…”[/color] Dylan’s words slowly trailed off as he turned to address the Mawile, only to see her in a fetal position of sorts, oddly enough. Had she decided to sleep, or… He dismissed that thought instantly as he looked closer. It almost seemed as if she was crying? Dylan’s heart slowed down as he realized this, mind’s gears quickly changing pace on what to do. He heard Devon’s voice call out from below, calling him out to join in the water with everyone. He turned away from Celty momentarily, calling back.[color=0072bc] “A-ah, yeah, I’m fine, just give me a moment! I’ll join you shortly here!”[/color] Whether or not he’d swim well was up in the air, but that was hardly important at the time. The Mudkip’s attention snapped back to the Mawile, a concerned expression on his face. [color=0072bc]“H-hey, Miss Celty… Is everything alright?”[/color] As soon as those words slipped out of his mouth, he felt stupid. Of course she wasn’t alright, it was a pointless question. He changed gears. [color=0072bc]“What’s wrong? Do you need help?”[/color] [@Ninian][@Light Lord][@Iatos][@Shiny Keldeo]