[@RaeoftheLight][@Framing A Moose][@Kitty] Serilus made it to the gym in time to see Zeus appear and "grace" them with his presence, even though to Serilus he wasn't near as impressive as the stories he heard would suggest. He quickly became bored and decided that now would be as good a time as any to find someone he could bother. Looking around, he didn't see much of interest until his eyes spotted a scene happening around that Runa girl he met earlier. He grinned mischievously as he turned invisible, completely succeeding this time. When he appeared again he was leaning back behind the small group which as well as Runa and her owl included a girl who smelled heavily of alcohol and one that looked like she really liked cats. [color=662d91]"Hey Runa. Looks like you made yourself some new friends,"[/color] he said in a joking manner.