Lance was soaring in the Sky making his way to the auditorium, what a bad way to start out your first day tardy at a school that will determine your future [color=f7941d]"damn dad, for a Overseer of death you sure are a loving parent"[/color] Lance had been holding a lunch box with a skull on it, [color=f7941d]"how embarrassing"[/color] he said. Lance was about to open the door but didn't want to interrupt. He decided to go invisible and sneak in, he crept in closing the door silently. He then made his way up the bleachers taking a seat not knowing that where we sat was a big mistake. He Let out a sigh, becoming visible again, [color=f7941d]"hey who is drinking alc-[/color] Lance stopped in his words as one of the other students held a bottle of vodka in her hands.