[color=f6989d][h1][center]Vicki Victory[/center][/h1][/color] Sam sat in silence for a few moments, pondering over how to respond. She looked out of place sitting still. "[color=a0410d]Well, I really don't know why this all happened, I doubt any of us do.[/color]" Sam looked directly into Vicki’s eyes. Her gaze was laser-focused, with fiery irises blooming into crimson roses. "[color=a0410d]Still, if my opinion counts for anything, I think that we were given these to help...Matt says there are going to be bad people who get these powers, like Zed. They are going to hurt people, Vicki. Without us, these civilians don't stand a chance. And, who knows, maybe these evil champions aren't just the beginning.[/color]" She shrugged, her hands fiddling about on the table as she spoke, making little motions with her words. "[color=a0410d]So... I guess while you feel that all you can do is hurt people, instead you're actually helping people.[/color]" Sam offered Vicki a soft smile. Vicki paused, shifting her eyes down towards the table, but quickly returned to looking back at Sam. Her chest tightened and filled with a homey warmth. She returned Sam’s smile with her own thankful, genuine one. [color=f6989d]“Than-”[/color] Vicki was cut-off by the sharp bang of a gunshot. Every head in the cafe swiveled towards the sudden disturbance. The source: a middle-aged man bearing an oversized, double-barreled shotgun. In a sudden flurry of chaos and panic, everyone leapt up out of their seats and began to flee the cafe. At the same time however, the world began to slow down. Vicki’s eyes widened as she retreated into herself.[color=f6989d][i]No…[/i][/color] So serene and bright a few moments ago, Sam’s face now burned with rage and sneering fury. [color=a0410d]”Wait a second, I have to go fucking deal with this ass wipe.”[/color] Sam stood up from her table like some hero rising from the rubble of a great battle, cloaked in licks of red and yellow flame. [color=f6989d]Not here too…[/color] Vicki stumbled backwards away from the gunman. Her heart was pounding from terror. Not from what the gunman may do, but from what she might have to do. [hr] [color=a2d39c][h1][center]Raze Colter[/center][/h1][/color] Moritz turned to Raze. [color=92278f]"You think that I can succeed where Malzahar failed by focusing on a goal?"[/color] Raze nodded in response to Moritz. He clicked his tongue in thought before exhaling. [color=92278f]"I guess that what I aim to do with my powers is rather lame, but I would like to take the fight to whoever aims to cause harm with theirs...Even if it is just distraction, or stopping them while others escape, I feel that is what-"[/color] He was interrupted by a sound similar to an explosion roaring through the cafe, followed by the same familiar heat as before seeming to radiate from the cafe. Moritz stood up quickly, before looking back at Raze. In a swift motion Moritz unclipped his Voidling and ran to enter the cafe. Raze shot out of his chair, knocking over the table in the process, and ran back into the cafe. Getting into the cafe was pandemonium . Raze had to wade through a gushing river of panicked faces, then forced his way through the narrow doorway. Inside was much calmer, but the air was thick with tension. Immediately through the door, Raze spotted Liam leaning against the wall, his palm tightly clutching a bruised patch of skin peeking through a burnt hole in his shirt. In the center of the room stood the middle-aged man that Raze bumped into earlier, now brandishing a huge shotgun. The same one that Graves wielded in-game. Surrounding him were many unfamiliar faces, as well as many individuals he had met from Matt & Liam’s apartment. Sam was already approaching him menacingly, her dragon form already fully formed. [color=a2d39c][i]That may be a problem later…[/i][/color] A young man began backpedaling towards the door, calling out to the gunman [color=red]"If you manage to get out of here alive talk to me about that job k?"[/color] Instantly infuriated, Raze grabbed the boy by the collar, tightly gripping a clump of fabric in his fist. Raze bared his teeth at the boy and growled, [color=a2d39c]”Are you fucking serious?”[/color] Angry snakes of green flames began to emanate from beneath Raze’s sleeves. He released the boy, simultaneously shoving him away towards the door. [color=a2d39c][i]I’ll deal with that bastard later.[/i][/color] Turning his attention back to the gunman, Raze could see Clarice making an attempt to attack the assailant. He took this opportunity to attack the gunman at the same time from behind. Raze unleashed a vicious battle cry, a curtain of flames circling him for but a moment. Once the flames dissipated, Raze was revealed, now adorned with deadly, ornate armor and carrying Hecarim’s wicked halberd. He leapt high into the air, raising his spear to thrust it through the gunman’s chest. [@Eklispe][@Leolycan] [hr] [h1][color=f26522][center]Garrett Fishman[/center][/color][/h1] [b]"Now, about our little visit here,"[/b] The man spoke once more, his smile fading only slight as he motioned with his head to the building now behind Garret, [b]"Merely stick close to the entrance and do not allow anyone else to enter. You're free to do what you must to accomplish this, just don't be too obvious about it."[/b] With this, the man now made his way past Garrett towards the building. It was then that Garrett noticed Megan wasn't with him, her form now nowhere to be seen. [b]"I'll be waiting for your answer,"[/b] A female seemed to whisper in his ear, with no speaker to be seen. [color=f26522][i]Hmph. ‘Everything’s going to be alright.’[/i][/color] So far, Garrett wasn’t enjoying this arrangement. He had been given no reason to listen to this man, and now he was stuck being the bouncer. There were far better things that Garrett could be doing with his time and skills. [color=f26522][i]If things don’t look up soon...I’m going freelance again.[/i][/color] Garrett chose a spot to the left of the front door and leaned casually against it, crossing his left leg in front of his right one. [color=f26522][i]What the hell am I even looking out for?[/i][/color] [@Leolycan]