The small halfling- was as always, filled with energy. She spoke of the traitor Isabeau, whom had been mentioned earlier that night, but more importantly that she had entered the home of the sage. The halfling seemed ready for a fight, and asked him and the others if they were prepared. Emil looked at himself rather sheepishly- he had not been anticipating a fight, and as such wore no arms or armor. He felt rather bashful actually, as a warrior he should've been ready for any situation. Emil was jostled out of his thoughts as the huntress- the beastwoman Sakaala growled for Regina's speech to end. Interrupting her increasingly agitated rambling with solid logic and rational. The Huntress was also the first to realize the massive man Ajax was not with them. The huntress expressed the need to find the large warrior that was Ajax- a sound move. Consolidating their strength would only be better for them should they come across. "It would be in our best interest to find the fighter Diagorides," Emil agreed. "When you summoned us, I did not anticipate it to be for the purpose of hunting someone down. It appears neither I nor Sir Hepburnberg are properly armed for this task." With that, the group began to locate Diagorides- their first place to check being his room. Which was, surprisingly easy enough to locate in the house, since the group of them had been housed in relatively close proximity to one another- it would only make sense for guest bedrooms to be in a specific wing of a house if it was built specifically to house large amounts of guests. As they approached they walked down the hallway, Emil was almost certain he heard Diagorides' voice coming from the his room. He couldn't make it out very well, and the footsteps of their group in general made a bit too much noise for him to make out any words. Emil began to slow down, his steps quieting as he did. "I... I believe I hear voices coming from Diagorides' room." Emil said quietly to the others.