[@Starfall][@Mikellh Dejax] [i]Satori was playing speed chess with a being that had been around since before chess had been invented. It hadn't devoted itself to a new action at all with its trick. That was what it had been planning from the beginning, with no lost momentum or pause that Satori could take advantage of. When the monster moved, it did so smoothly and with no hesitation or inaccuracy. It had known the girl would defend her face. It had thrown slime at countless faces, and [b]always[/b] they somehow saw it coming. It was an odd thing for surprise attacks to not be surprising, but then again this wasn't a petty street fight where dirty tricks were a dime a dozen. It was well used to that, and had already formulated a backup plan. Satori was fast, but so was the monster, to the degree that she wouldn't be able to speedblitz it or make up for a miss of that hammer in time to guard against a counter attack. There was no room for error. It was a melee fighter too, and far from helpless against her. Just aiming big swings at it was futile. As Satori's wings crossed before her, the slime would stick instead of bouncing off, sealing them in place. It was sticky to such an extent that even the Magna Pater itself couldn't break the bond if it wanted to. It had distinctly been hoping that she would have slowly suffocated with her face sealed shut, but alas it would need to settle for second potatoes. Then as Satori redirected her heavy swing, she'd possibly find herself suddenly jerked to her left as if she were a child being hauled by an industrial crane. The horror's tail would have whipped out to seize her stuck wings at the crux and wrench her off her feet at the last moment, as if she weighed nothing. She was strong, but strength did not equal weight. To the Magna Pater, she weighed as much as a fresh duckling. Speed was Satori's game, but not where the beast's tail was concerned. Its tail made the rest of it look as slow as a turtle. If all went accordingly, then as the monster then swept past the woman's left side, before she could bring her hammer up from the great miss, the beast's left arm (which would already be set to attack) would piston out to claw her left thigh in passing with the full force of its forward motion, an attack of such ferocity that with her feet barely touching the ground, her body would be sent into a blurring forwards pinwheel, femoral artery shredded into bacon and glute sliced all the way to the bone. As this occurred, the Magna Pater's greasy muzzle would crinkle back into a sardonic rictus of dynamic effort and black elation. It was no lover of fights, no true warrior. It cared nothing for the thrill of the hunt. The only thing buzzing within its wicked mind was how greatly it would enjoy breaking down the female's body and soul later. It wanted to keep her alive for days in a delirium of fear and anguish, torturing her in ways that not even the cruel kings of old could imagine, deep down within the pitch black recesses of the earth. Best of all, everyone would watch. How could they not? The outrage, the disgust. If the Magna Pater had human vocal cords, it might have groaned with anticipation. This exchange would have slowed the monster down, but not by much. It had only been sixteen feet away when Eubeal had started talking, and he'd still not likely have reached the last word of his sentence before his frontal lobe got shish-kebabed. As for sensing the Magna Pater, that would be easier said than done. Its body temperature matched the environment and the mucous coating its body was entirely scentless. Not that it would matter in the long run, since Satori was the only thing that could keep Eubeal alive long enough to realise the danger, and she herself may just have very well been mortally wounded. But... There was a limit to how many moves the monster could use in the alotted time frame of its attempt at charging past Satori. It couldn't spend all day doing crazy Jack Sparrow shit in slow motion. It could whip out no more split second counters after this. There simply was not time for it to deal with any more complications if it wanted to reach Eubeal in time. This last combo had already been cutting it close. If Satori had one more contingency, she'd be able to save her friend from instant death, at least, and perhaps even succeed in pissing off the monster in the process. If it were to get angry, it might even make a tactical error in its haste for revenge.[/i]