Full name: Ikuto Heartnet Title:The Black Cat Alias: Kuroneko Gender: Male Age: 18 (human years) 118 (yokai years) [hider=Power,Skills and Weapon] [hider=Physical Abilities] He has superhuman senses and his reflexes are that of a cat [considering that he is a hanyou. A half-human half cat demon] He's inhumanly fast and dealt big damage with his claws. With his inhuman speed it looks like he's teleporting. [i]Some theorizes that he uses shadow walk simultaneously while he attacks. [/i] [hider=Physical Attacks] [b]Air Walk[/b]= the ability to walk through air. An energy was formed under the user's feet that kept him afloat. Each energy step made only last for 5 seconds. [hider=Long Range] [b]Phantom Claws[/b] [img]http://bloggfiler.no/afgpics.blogg.no/images/795617-4-1273497791953.jpg[/img] - A virtual claw that forms in his hand. Attack ranges up to 10 m. [b]Gun Boomerang[/b]- By using the wire hidden in [i]Thanatos[/i], he can use the gun's strength and sturdiness to knock an opponent down and pulls the gun back to his hand like a boomerang. [/hider] [hider=Close Combat] [b]Phantom Barrage[/b]- A barrage of slasher attacks with the sharp claws that was combined with Phantom Claws. Each slash is simultaneously combined with 5 phantom claws that has 1 meter range. [b]Slash claw[/b]- an attack that uses his glove's claws that was made of orichalcum. [b]Slash and Kick combination barrage[/b]- an attack that simultaneously slashes and kick an opponent. When an enemy is caught, it is nearly impossible to escape. [b][/b] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Shadow Skills] [b]Shadow Manipulation[/b]- the ability to manipulate the shadows as the user's will. [b]Shadow Walk[/b]- the ability to travel through shadows. [b]Shadow Cloak[/b]- the ability to hide within the shadows. Opponent's and enemies will not find him. [b]Shadow Storage[/b]- the ability to store things within the shadows. A fourth dimensional storage and it's akin to a black hole. Only the user can take out things here. [hider=Darkness Skills] [b]Dark Burst[/b] A burst of energy that expels from his body. The AOE extends up to 10 meters range. [b]Dark Illusion[/b]- A skill that let's the user trap an enemy to a never-ending nightmare. [i]Opponent's Damage dealt within the dreams will happen on the real world.[/i] Needed eye contact to execute. [b]Black Orbs[/b]- a skill that let's the user create multiple black orbs made from dark energy. This orbs causes explosion by touch. The user can also let the orbs chase opponents. The size of the orbs is as big as a basketball. [b]Deception[/b]- a skill that helps him deceit others by making them see differently. [i]A common skill among yokais especially the Tanuki yokais[/i] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Weapon] [hider=Glove's Claws] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/78a842feee3cbd7eac631725223e26f5/http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g291/WingsofMorphius/IkutoClaws.jpg[/img] Claws that was made from [i]Orichalcum[/i]. A super metal and the strongest material in existence and gives those with orichalcum weapons and armor a huge advantage over others. [/hider] [hider=Thanatos] [img]http://www.cosplayhouse.com/images/D/Black_Cat_Train_Heartnet_Gun_ver_01-3-06.jpg[/img] Thanatos is an ornate handgun that is entirely made of Orichalcum, the strongest metal on earth. Ikuto's gun is a six shot double-action revolver; with gold engraving on it's grip and barrel. On it's frame is a triangular attachment that bears the Roman numeral XIII on both sides. It possess a rapid-fire trigger for quick shooting. Thanatos is a top-break revolver, meaning it is reloaded by "breaking" the pistol in half, exposing the rear of the cylinder. This automatically ejects all cartridges inserted and allows the user to drop in fresh ones. A unique feature of the gun is a five meter long retractable wire leash inserted in the grip. [i][u]Though Ikuto mainly uses his claws and glove's claws as a weapon, he's an expert master marksman. With the use of his gun [b]Thanatos[/b]. This expert marksman's firearm, fires much more rapidly than ordinary pistols, and is capable of unerring accuracy. For instance, Ikuto can shoot several bullets through a single hole. He can also effectively use this as a melee weapon, bashing enemies behind their heads with lightning speed. He is also capable of blocking melee weapons and even bullets with it. Ikuto's mastery of this gun is evident from his ability to fend off both long-range & close-range attacks, as well as to swiftly assassinate his targets. [/u][/i] Thanatos can chamber different types of cartridges; ordinary handgun bullets, tranquilizer ones, and most of all: Specialized bullets developed and made by the [i]Cyan[/i]. Examples are: > [b] Burst Bullet[/b] (causes an explosion) > [b] Freeze Bullet[/b] (causes the hit area to freeze) > [b] Crying Bullet[/b] (causes a human target to shed tears uncontrollably) > [b]Orichalcum Bullet[/b] (it can destroy any material on earth) The retractable lanyard wire attached to the gun gives Ikuto a number of advantages: An example is throwing the gun on the floor, while clutching the wire with his hands. This makes Ikuto appear to be surrendering. Then at the right moment, he can retrieve it using the wire. Another use is throwing the gun straight at the opponent to knock him out, then retrieving it again. If his shooting hand is shaky, Train can wrap the wire around his hand to steady his aim. [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ50tmbuUyGHK3_hw1CNnfXomsOhPrrHWmX6ANU2BQHHLIhKt_3[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Appearance and Outfit] Ikuto's appearance and yokai outfit: [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ65xSR-bbc1iEU2d8_c0B7sOP65JgtYOrclUyezEphjjUWNrgr[/img] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/shugochara/images/b/b3/Character_Transformation_-_Black_Lynx.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20090926152710[/img] [b]Hair color[/b]: Bluish Black [b]Eyes:[/b] Amber [b]Tattoo:[/b] XIII [i]See below the image[/i] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/black-cat-anime/images/f/f5/Train_heartnet.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130530102323[/img] Ikuto's Outfit in the human world: [img]http://anime.osiristeam.net/images/others/blackcat_b.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bio: Despite being a hanyou, Ikuto was coveted as the strongest by his yokai clan and was designated to be the next clan head. But with a real temperament of a stray cat, Ikuto seeks freedom away from the clan's influence. He then ventured off to the human world where he became an assassin. Pretending to be a human, he hides his extra appendages with his skill [i]Deception[/i] letting him to appear normal. Through his work as an assassin, an organization took notice of him. And after some grueling tests, he was welcomed to their numbers and was labeled as [i]Thirteen[/i] and Thanatos was gifted to him. But through various reasons, Ikuto quit the organization and was labeled as a traitor. He was then hunted and in return, Ikuto destroy the organization in ashes. Because the organization was destroyed, Ikuto found a group of best makers to create for him the specialized bullets. Nowadays, he comes back forth to the human world and yokai world freely... just like a stray cat.