[b]Day 17, Night.[/b] [color=00a651]Edgar_Walther Lvl : 9; HP : 68%[/color] [@BlackPanther][@DestinyStar][@LucasSkylight] [color=8882be][i]Edgar noted his attempts at reassurance had apparently failed, oh well, he'd kind of expected the whole recruitment attempt to fail honestly so things were good. And he was ready to go, so Edgar set off, heading out of town at a jog. He arrived in the clearing and wondered what Reaper had in mind for them. He worked with Lukas on the basics of group fighting, tactics, maneuvers, the basics of agro. As he finished his explanation, Reaper and Scarlet arrived in the clearing, and Edgar took his position with the others as directed. He wanted to offer a formal apology to Scarlet, but he was afraid he'd just distract her at the wrong moment and get her hurt again, so he bit his tongue and waited for Anubis to return to the clearing. He finally did, and what horde he brought back with him. For a moment Edgar panicked, he'd never had to fight so many monsters at once, surely he'd be overwhelmed! But he wasn't alone, and soon Scarlet and Lucas were engaging the mobs, Edgar shook himself gritting his teeth and shoving his fear out of the way. If he was going to die tonight, he would do it while fighting, not panicking. A clawed paw raked across his shield, and Edgar grunted under the force of the blow, but he stabbed out around the shield, aiming for the bear's neck with a quick jab. It landed but didn't do much to the bear's health, it had plenty to spare. The dogs were annoying, their many attacks making up for the lack of damage each individual could do. The dogs had to go first, they were doing the most damage, and it would take to long to kill the bears and then finish the dogs. Edgar's mind snapped into it's tactical form and he began issuing orders and acting accordingly as any good officer might.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Scarlet, Lucas, kill the dogs. I'll keep the bears busy!"[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I begin ignoring the dogs, trusting my allies to finish them quickly, I charge a bear and jump over it, avoiding the horizontal swipe from its paw, and jab my spear deep behind it's shoulder, adding my weight to the thrust. As it rears in pain, I lodge a foot against it's back and pull the spear out, yelling the first word of my battle cry.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Blood!"[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I roll into a sprint at the second bear raising my shield high to block a diagonal strike, I thrust my spear into it's face, a critical hit. I yank the spear from the bear's bloody throat and sprint to the third, taking a couple of nips from the dogs as I go, and narrowly avoiding the first bear's charge at it's nimble opponent. As I go I yell the second word.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Blast!"[/color] [color=f7941d][i]I stumble over a dog on my way, and tumble under the last bear. I bring both legs up and launch a double kick to the bear's sternum, it grunts, it's fur absorbing the blow easily. Gritting my teeth I roll to one side, and make several rapid thrusts into the bear's flank, screaming out the final word of my cry.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]"Blazes!"[/color] [color=8882be][i]As the bear whirls, catching Edgar with a back paw, he tumbles to the ground but continues the roll to end up on his feet again. A significant portion of his health is subtracted, but less than might be expected for someone his level. He'd put most of his stat points into agility, but his gear boosted his physical defense and max health quite a bit. Plus his passive skill, that gave party members a % damage resist, minor though it was, helped mitigate the otherwise devastating blows normally attributed to bears. Edgar stopped a moment to chug a potion and check on the progress of the team. His plan seemed to be working... Firefek, his plan was working. Edgar dove and rolled, catching a nip on his leg, as he went, avoiding the worst of the three charging bears. He rose and barely lifted his shield in time to block another strike, as he jabbed he spear rapidly at the bears. He continued to dance, and roll, about the clearing, keeping just far enough away from his companions, that any splash damage from their skills wouldn't deal enough damage to the bears to pull agro from himself. He took every chance he could to shout and jab at the bears, even shield bashing when the opportunity arose. But he didn't have the skill to fight off the three bears indefinitely, his health steadily dropped in small chunks as the bears landed hits at a regular but not alarming rate. As long as his companions could handle the dogs with relative ease, this fight would be an easy win. He'd live long enough for them to finish the dogs and then hit the bears. Though his health might end up in the red by the end of the fight if he didn't remember to use pots from time to time.[/i][/color]