[@Roosan] Good catch. [@Zeroth] Perhaps put under the Rank portion, "Knight (Specialization: Consular)" or something of the sort? Or if you'd like you could separate them into different categories in the CS? I'm not too picky about these things. And while TrĂ kata isn't an actual "Lightsaber Form" it is indeed a good supplement to Shii-Cho and Soresu, giving the defensive Soresu a more offensive capability. I'll allow it. Just understand it [i]is[/i] a very difficult style of lightsaber combat to effectively master. I will allow you to have knowledge of one additional Form if you'd like, given TrĂ kata is a supplementary style rather than a Form. Hmm . . . and some may have already decided to follow Revan, though they are not out at battle yet. Mostly just nitpicky stuff. Get these minor things fixed up and you can move your CS to the Characters tab. :) EDIT: For some reason forgot to mention that the images for the lightsaber and robes seem broken.